
Sunday, June 27, 2010

a western washington confession

It's official. I've become "one of them." Yesterday, Marcus and I went to the pool at our condo, stretched out our towels and basked in the glorious rays of sunshine. It was a mere 71 degrees. We didn't brave the frigid waters of the pool, we just sat and read our books trying to absorb natural light. Ahhh, how far I've strayed from my eastern Washington youth. My mom used to have a rule that we couldn't even ask to wear shorts if it wasn't above 60 degrees. And I wasn't allowed to go swimming unless it was over 80. I think if I waited for 80 degrees in Seattle to go swimming, I might never go swimming. EVER.

I also have to report another horrific Western Washington moment. It happened yesterday evening when I ran outside onto the back patio in my bare feet to put the cover on the bbq, as I was muttering under my breath about why Marcus hadn't done it already...when something cold and squishy touched my toe and I gasped/squeeled/pulled my foot off whatever it was and started doing a freakish dance on the back porch until I found the culprit--a slug. SICK. I touched a slug with my clean, bare foot. egh. I came running into the house and could barely speak I was so disgusted. Finally I got the whole story out, and told Marcus that we needed to move to where it was warm, sunny, and where there are no slugs. This place is clearly awful. No wonder I'm puking!! (just kidding)

Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of little stories before I got to the medical report.

I'm keeping down fluids much more consistently I think. I don't feel like I'm teetering on the edge of destruction so much anymore, BUT I am feeling the side effects of my medications quite a bit. Read: I get dizzy frequently from them. I am doing my best to adjust to this new way of life, but it's hard to slow down, and not do "fun" things. I'm also not driving far consistently because of the meds, which is a little frustrating, as I'm having to depend on others...but it's minor in the scheme of things.

My friend, Michelle and I, went to Crossroads Church in Bellevue this morning. The pastor in his sermon said, "If your pain and illness is for God's glory, than it's all worth it, right?" I found myself nodding. I guess that's a good sign. I'm not really sure what God's doing with all this vomiting, but I sure hope He's being glorified in and through it all.

1 comment:

Andy (and Heather) said...

No slugs in Iowa...just sayin!