
Thursday, June 10, 2010

hey there race fans!

I'm actually writing with pleasant news today!! While Dr. Schneier was optimistic abour the NG tube feed, I was less than excited about it. However, it seems to actually be working! They doubled the amount of "food' they were giving me, so it's like I'm digesting 40 mL per hour. That's a few bites every hour! I haven't actually tried with food, and I'm anxious to get out of the hospital. I agreed to stay until Friday, at the doctor's urging. Side note: apparantly the NG is not supposed to be uncomfortable. Perhaps I'm a big whimp, but this thing hurts really badly. Not to mention, that I vaguely resemble an elephant, with a large trunk and a little body.

Last night after the doctor knocked me out with some amazing medicine, I slept well; until the nurses start grabbing stuff from all around me and say, "you have to move." It is 1:30 am. Really? They couldn't have figured this all out during the normal waking hours? Hmph. It was rough getting back to sleep, but I was able to sleep in a bit.

Well, tomorrow's the day of freedom!! Sorry, Maya, that we had to miss your party! Maybe we can see you really soon to give you your presence!

Lots of love, and pray for sleep and healing--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My hubby had an ng tube placed with his myriad of surgeries. He was telling the nurse it didn't feel right. She kept saying that it would feel a little weird. Until the tip poked back up through his mouth.
Have they checked the placement? It sounds right since you are digesting, but it shouldn't be painful.
Praying you are healed soon!