
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the update,

Well, lots of things have happened over the past 24 hours, and things seem to finally be heading in the right direction...

Yesterday morning, Dr. Schneier (my GI doc) changed up my whole regimen of medication, and started me on 6 new drugs. One steroid to increase my cortizone. One med to protect the lining of my stomach and intestines. Nitroglycerine patch to relax my intestines, and help with the pain. A low level anti-depressant at bedtime to help me sleep, make me hungry, and relax the spasming. This was all in addition to a bunch of other anti-nausea meds, and a pain pump.

I continued vomiting all day and night, and then went to bed. I made it through the entire night without throwing up!! He removed my pain medicine pump last night, and I tolerated that ok.

This morning I had a couple of bites of cereal and threw it up, BUT have only puked once this whole day, and it's already 12:30!! Yay!! I am feeling a little cranky today, and am sort of anxious to go home, so I'm thinking this is all a good sign. Up until today, I've been content languishing in the hospital bed. This morning, I cleaned up my room, re-organized my stuff in he room, and had some fun visitors.

Dr. Schneier just came in, and I asked about being able to go home. He's going to switch me to all oral medications and see how I do. He's lowering my TPN to just 1 L per day, in hopes that will increase my appetite. He's also increasing the dose of nortripylene at bedtime, so hopefully I will sleep a bit better. He increased my dose of marinol (an anti-nausea drug like marijuana) too. If I tolerate all of this well, and seem to be stable--he said I might get to go home tomorrow!

I think that is all. Phew! I'm tired after reporting all that. :) Thank you for all of your prayers and support... they seem to working!

Many hugs and love from Stevens Hospital-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fan-freaking-tastic! It's great to hear that you are improving. I'll keep the prayers and energy going in your direction. Hope you'll be home before you know it. Darilyn