
Sunday, June 6, 2010

nothing really new

My cortisol level tests showed that my baseline levels are low, most likely because my body is basically starving. However, when asked to perform, my adrenal glands step up to the plate, and act as they are supposed to. This is good news, because it rules out the possibilty of Addison's disease.

I continue to vomit very frequently. I am on multiple anti-nausea meds, which don't seem to help. When I ingest nothing at all, I vomit straight stomach acid. It is painful, and causing my throat to hurt pretty bad. Today I got a small bloody nose while puking, which was a new adventure. But that hasn't repeated since this morning fortunately.

My pain levels are under control for the most part, and I sort of feel like a walking zombie... I'm pretty loopy, but it's better than hurting.

I continue to be on TPN, and they are pretty aggressively re-feeding me. My liver is playing nice right now, so they are able to put in a lot more calories than they have in the past. My docs have managed to keep me on enough meds to protect my liver during the re-feeding so that's good.

I got some cute new pajama pants from my mom, which always cheers me up. :) I've had a fairly steady stream of visitors which helps to keep my spirits up.

Marcus is doing fine. He ran in a half marathon yesterday in Portland, and is feeling fine. He's at work today, and then will be hanging out with me tomorrow.

I'm not sure when I might be released from the hospital... I don't even have a good guess. I continue to trust that God has a plan and purpose for all of this. I'm praying that healing happens soon... I'm exhausted.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Praying for you and sending you lots of love! Your strength amazes me and I pray that healing comes very soon. Love you! ~ Kim & Oscar Rodriguez