
Monday, December 31, 2007

we made it!!

I got my new picc line in today, and the hydration is flowing in through my left arm now. My right arm is still swollen from the clots, and I have 5 more days of shots to go. I have still not heard anything about the drug study medication, so I'm praying that will happen promptly in the new year.

I'm still vomiting frequently. When I don't eat anything, I vomit stomach acid. When I do eat or drink something, I throw up that instead.

Marcus has a nasty cold, so we are quite the pair for this New Year's Eve celebration!! We may try to stay up until midnight, mostly because I need to try and get 2 liters of fluids in my IV tonight!!

We had lots of fun with family this year for Christmas...We're thankful to be kicking off another year with each other, and with hopes for health in 2008!! We're trusting God with all of our hopes and dreams this year and for 2008 as well....

Much love,

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I am on day 5 without keeping fluids down, and i am worn out. i never thought i would be excited to have a picc line get put back into my arm, but i can hardly wait!! i'm cramping very badly, but am trying to hang in there and skip an ER visit tonight. tomorrow and the new picc line can't come soon enough!!

Keep those prayers coming... I need them now!! :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

festive christmas blood clot

hi all,
this week has been full of adventure. on dec. 24th in the afternoon, i noticed a little redness around my picc line (right around the arm)... the home care nurse came over and told me to have it looked at right after Christmas. i was running a small fever, and so was hoping (and praying) for no infection.

i went to sleep on christmas day feeling mostly okay (still vomiting, but okay besides that) and then woke up on the morning of the 26th to a gigantically swollen arm with a picc line. we went in to see the doctor right away and they sent me to ultrasound and the lab to have some blood drawn.

the blood drawing was somewhat of a debacle, they poked me 4 different times and couldn't get blood from any of my veins. finally they poked the end of my finger and squeezed really hard until they got enough blood to run the test they needed. the ultrasound took a long time, because it was then they discovered a blood clot in my arm.

they determined that the blood clot was from the picc line, and promptly removed it. i have to take shots twice per day for 10 days in my abdomen to thin my blood so that the clot can be reabsorbed. i will go in on dec. 31 to have another picc line put in. Please pray that i don't get too dehydrated before the 31st.

i am seeing no improvement in the nausea, but my abdominal pain has been less overall the past couple of days. either that, or it pales in comparison to my arm that is swollen 2 inches larger than the other.... shoot.

i hope you all had wonderful christmas days with your family, and that you all have tons of fun at new years! hugs to you all!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Hi All,
Sorry it has been so long since I've written this... I've been busy with the hustle and bustle of this time of year.

I've been using 1-2 liters of IV fluids per day. My energy level remains very low. We spoke with the doctor on Friday about the possibility of using PPN, which is a partial nutritional supplement. We're hoping that this increase in calories could help me live with more energy, perhaps enjoying the things I love to do.

There is still no news on the drug study. The doctor's office has said that I should have medications in hand sometime around the first of the year... or perhaps in January sometime. So we continue to wait on that too.

I continue to go to acupuncture once a week. It helps with the pain levels, and I don't vomit for one full hour after the appointment. It's wonderful!!

We got a call from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and we've set up an appointment for February 21st. They said that I should count on being there at least 5-8 business days. Marcus will join me for the first half of my stay there, and then my mom will fly out to meet me there for the second half.

We celebrated Christmas with the Rismiller family on Friday, we're celebrating with the Johnson's on Monday, and then the Weakley's are coming out on the 26th and we'll celebrate with them too. What a party!!

Thank you for your continued prayers of peace & patience. You can pray for both Marcus and I to have renewed hope for healing. My pain levels have increased these past few weeks, so you can pray for that too! :)

Have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family!
Much love,

Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's been a pretty long, tiring week. My vomiting/dizziness has gotten worse over the past few days, so that now I am vomiting so violently that it makes me dizzy and i almost pass out. Marcus told me that he thinks it's from a nerve in your neck that causes your blood pressure to drop so that your head doesn't explode! :) I thought that sounded like a cool explanation--so i thought i'd post it for you.

I tried to hang out with the kids on Sunday night at youth group, and it was super fun to see everyone--but the whole experience was so exhausting, that I don't think I'll be up to that again.

The doctors have increased my hydration so that I'm getting two bags of IV fluids a day, when I need them. (that's 8 hours of being connected to an IV--but it's much better than passing out.)

Thanks for your continued prayers. We love you guys!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

fun friends!

I don't really have anything to share. I am still sick, vomiting frequently... like, a lot of times per day. My weight stays the same as long as I do the IV fluids. If I miss a day of IVs, I drop an automatic 2-3 pounds. My pain comes and goes... some days are worse than others--today has been pretty bad.

I'm having lots of fun with friends, and doing my best to make laughter an important part of my day. I'm trusting that God is helping me truly understand "joy in the midst of suffering". I believe He's also teaching us about patience.

We have some friends visiting--which is lots of fun! They headed up to Whistler today, and should have a couple of fun days snowboarding. I'm hanging out at home with some other friends, and trying not to think of all the boarding I'm missing out on because I'm barfing.

We're really excited for Christmas and all of the fun that the holiday season brings. In the meantime, we're enjoying Advent, and pondering Jesus coming again.

Lots of joy to you all.

Monday, December 3, 2007

still no news...

I am writing to report that there is nothing to report. I am still vomiting a million times a day. I am still nauseated and in pain. I still get dizzy, and I'm a little more frustrated than normal today.

It's raining and icky outside, with the wind blowing too... so I'm praying today that the power stays on and that everyone stays safe--and that no trees blow over and smash people's homes.

Despite all of the above, I'm trusting that God will do something great in me today.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

i love snow!

I'm sitting here at the computer, looking out the window, and watching the snow come down like crazy. There is a really cute dog in our "backyard" that is frolicking happily, as if he'd uncovered a priceless treasure. I wholeheartedly agree with the dog, in fact, I might put on my snow clothes and make a snow angel just for fun. :)

The past few days have been busy with Mike Breen, a rad pastor from phoenix (originally from england) who has been working with our church in developing a discipleship-driven ministry... a novel idea, really--doing church like Jesus did. Brilliant. If you want to read more about that you can check out It's a great website.

No new medical news to report. I went to a new doctor this week, he's a chiropractic naturopath. I don't think he did anything useful, so I told Marcus that I don't want to go back.

I have a lot of people praying for me. Just knowing that really does help me get through each day. I really do treasure your encouraging words, and the love that you continue to pour out on me & Marcus.

I was worshipping today as part of the Mike Breen conference. David Harsh was leading the worship song, "Brokenness, brokenness is what I long for. Brokenness is what I need. Brokenness is what you want from me." I've never had a problem singing those words until I tried to sing them today. I don't think God desires us to be "broken" Instead, I think he longs for us to be free from the sin and the anxiety that weighs us down. He promises to carry the load for us. The last thought I'd like to leave you with for the day is a few lyrics from the old hymn, "Great is thy faithfulness"

Here they are, I pray that they are a blessing to you, as they have been for me this day.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

hugs, brelin

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

i can't believe it's almost december!!

We went and got our Christmas tree yesterday!! it was really cold outside, but we have had lots of fun decorating, and singing Christmas songs all over the house!

I've been in a better space lately, since the last melt-down which I wrote about last time. It seems like the vomiting episodes are slightly less frequent, and less horrible too ( I think.)

I don't really have much to say... we are still waiting for the new medications to arrive (via the drug study.)

Hugs to you all!

Monday, November 26, 2007

somtimes i get mad...

Lately I've been talking about how God gives me enough strength to last through each day. It's true, mostly He does... but sometimes it seems like He forgets... I know in my brain and my heart that God never leaves me alone, and that He is constantly surrounding me with people who love me, and others who care for me.

But sometimes, I just get frustrated and angry that things aren't better yet. I want to go back to playing outside, and goofing off with middle school kids at church, and playing soccer, and drinking water without having to run to the bathroom to throw up. I had a little break-down yesterday. Most of the day was a lot of fun, we had some friends over, we got out to go for a walk, and then in the evening I was trying to make an Italian Soda for Marcus and the club soda bottle exploded all over me, the floor, the wall, and the kitchen counter. Normally, I would have just laughed.

I don't feel normal these days, so instead, I burst into tears and questioned what God wants us to learn from this... or if somehow He's checking to make sure we really believe. I don't think God really wants those things from me & Marcus at all. I think that God wants us to count on Him for everything... even the things that seem insignificant--like opening the club soda.

I can't imagine being sick without God. God can handle my anger, my frustrations, my tears, my laughter, my joy... and whatever other emotions I want to feel. God will remain loving, patient, and compassionate, surrounding me with His loving arms, and with as much grace that I need.

and more than anything else, I need God who can handle me just as I am.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

fun adventures of brelin's life...

thanksgiving day

This Thanksgiving Day has really allowed me to ponder what I'm really thankful for. Normally, I am ready to feast on delicious foods that only come all together once a year. Imagine totally removing the food, and thinking about Thanksgiving Day... For some, the joy comes from all of the football games, from the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, or from just the idea of another piece of pumpkin pie.

This year, I'm thankful that I am alive. I'm thankful that I have so many people surrounding me in prayer, and encouraging me when I'm feeling down.

I'm thankful that I can spend time with family, praising God together with them for the gifts that we've been blessed with.

I'm thankful for a warm home to wake up in, a fabulous husband to love me and care for me, a wonderful church to be a part of, and the opportunity to share God's love with students & families in Sammamish and all over.

I'm thankful for all of you, and for the many ways that you continue to bless our lives together. Thank you Jesus, for all of your love today and always.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

p.s. As for the medical update... all remains virtually the same. I remain on IV fluids at home, I am still vomiting 20-40 times a day. My weight had been stable for quite a while, but recently I have dropped a couple more pounds. I am currently on about 10-12 medications per day, and none of them seem to be working. God provides me with enough strength to last each day, and with a heart of joy and thankfulness for everyday I am at home. Marcus is completely better from his shingles, and we are doing our best to have fun together!! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Yesterday my mom took me into the hospital in Lynnwood. Marcus is no longer contagious with his shingles--so headed back to work yesterday!! (praise God for his healing!!

We went to Stevens Hospital in Edmonds, as this is where my most recent doctor is found. His name is Dr. Schneier, and he has not yet given up on me. I like him. He went in to give me botox while I was having an upper endoscopy. While he was in there, I believe he was hoping to find that my pylorus was squeezed tightly shut, and the shot of botox would free me from this incessant vomiting. Alas, my pylorus was wide open.

While he was in there, however, he observed nothing. My intestines did absolutely nothing during the whole procedure. They didn't move, they didn't contract, they didn't do anything... He thinks that my stomach is not emptying, causing inflammation and irritation in my stomach from the bile build-up, and then once my stomach does move a little, then my intestines aren't doing anything either--and he thinks that my intestines may also be infected, which is causing the lower abdominal pain. The upper abdominal pain is most likely caused by my stomach and upper intestines not doing anything.

The only way to fix all of this is to get my stomach to empty and to get my intestines to contract. However, none of the drugs that exist in the whole world are making either one do anything. So I just keep vomiting.

I started the enrollment papers for the drug study, propulsid. The enrollment process takes about a month, and we're praying that they will accept me into the program.

We would love prayers for encouragement. My vomiting has become worse again, and even clear liquids are a struggle. I remain on the IV fluids at home, which seems to be helping.

Thank you for all of your love and support. We really appreciate all of you. :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm sorry for not updating the blog more often... it's frustrating having to write, "I'm still not any better than I was in September." Last night was particularly rough for me--the vomiting was horrific, and I almost passed out in the middle of it all. Marcus caught me in time, and set me down on the floor safely while putting my legs up in the air to get more blood to my head. We put in an extra IV bag yesterday for good measure. Today I am feeling a bit better, but still having a lot of abdominal pain. He gave me more pain medicine yesterday night, which helped me go to sleep (yay!) My stomach acid is burning the past couple of days when I wake up--which is causing a lot more nausea and pain. (yuck)

All in all, I think it's safe to say that Marcus and I are both exhausted. Marcus' shingles are getting a bit better, they are starting to crust over, which means that he's not contagious anymore. (yay Marcus) but they are still hurting him a bit. I think he's hoping to go back to work on Friday.

We are learning how to have a grace-filled marriage. In the midst of the pain, the frustration, the anger, and the exhaustion, we are leaning on God's love--counting on it to get us through this time. It has not been easy, but we trust that God is surrounding us--He is in and through each conversation, each moment of joy, and He continues to hold us in our sorrow as well.


Friday, November 9, 2007

a fresh perspective...

I've been trying to think of a funny title to capture the day that we've had today... Let me just begin by saying that God seriously must have a sense of humor. A couple of days ago, Marcus came home from the fire station and showed me an interesting looking red sore on his shoulder. I thought it looked like a bug bite or something so we didn't really worry about it. Anyway, we found out today that Marcus has shingles. I keep teasing him, saying that he is just trying to steal my thunder... It's pretty comical--apparantly the Brelin/Marcus team should be benched. :)

The good news is that I have no sign of this disgusting virus, but please pray for Marcus and a speedy recovery--shingles is pretty painful (so I hear).

I went to see a new doctor today. It was sort of a long appt... and seemed pretty positive. He's trying me out on 3 different medications (one for dizziness, one to coat my stomach, and a pain patch) beginning tomorrow. He said that if this is going to help, I should know by Monday or Tuesday. Then next Friday morning, I will be having another upper endoscopy, and he plans to inject my pylorus with botox. This procedure is relatively safe, with no real long term risk--so we're going for it. After we exhaust all of these new options, he said that he'd be happy to begin the paperwork nightmare to get enrolled in the drug study.

I have another appt for acupuncture tomorrow... I'm hoping it will keep my pain at bay at least for a few hours...

Keep those prayers coming!! Specifically for Marcus' speedy recovery, for any or all of these different medications to help the nausea and vomiting, and that I stay shingle-free.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

another new day...

Yesterday was pretty rough... I tried to go on a pretty long walk in the morning, and then later in the afternoon I started vomiting every 15 minutes or so for about 3 hours. It was miserable. My mother-in-law, Carol, came for another sleepover and took care of me in the evening. It's nice to have someone around when Marcus is working!! Thanks Carol!!

The docs told me that I should probably be admitted to the hospital again, but I REALLY don't want to go. They can't really do anything except hook me up to an IV and get more pain meds, but I just can't bring myself to check in. So for now, I'm trying to hold off until I see the new doc tomorrow.

I have a new appointment on Friday(tomorrow) with the doctor that I was supposed to see on nov. 19th. I called and told them my sob story, and they said they'd squeeze me in tomorrow. (this is the doc that has the experimental drug study--propulsid) I'm hoping that there aren't too many hoops to jump through--please pray that the pharmaceutical company agrees to allow me into the study... and that this whole process goes quickly so that I can get onto the meds ASAP.

My mom is coming to visit again this weekend!! I'm really excited to see her!

For all of you church kids that are reading this--I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I hope you have lots of fun on the retreat this weekend! :)

I keep praying for enough strength and joy to last through the day. Thank you all for your prayers.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

playing with my food

i don't really have much to report today. i'm still puking a lot. i've been trying to exercise more... i walked 3 miles the other day, and then did a little dance jamming in my living room yesterday. today i'm going to try out the elliptical machine under marcus' strict supervision.
i keep thinking that maybe the exercise will awaken my intestines and help them remember to work, but it hasn't worked out that way so far.

i tried going back on clear liquids on sunday, but that didn't help either, so i'm back to throwing up toast and applesauce. (and anything else i might try) my weight is staying pretty consistent, which is good.

i'm still on iv fluids everyday.
i guess that's all the news.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

the wonderful world of needles...?

I went to the acupuncture doctor today. It was really bizarre, but pretty cool. There was a warm heater lamp, and just a few needles (smaller than sewing needles--they're really thin) She put a couple in my stomach, one in my large intestine, two in my wrists, in my legs, and in the top of my head. I felt my intestines move while I laid there on the table, and heard audible bowel sounds for the first time in weeks.

I came home and fell asleep for a while, then tested out the nausea with some cream of wheat cereal--which sometimes stays down. unfortunately it all came back up with a cup of tea. shoot.

I have 12 acupuncture visits covered by insurance per calendar year, so I will be utilizing them for 2007. :) I see her again next Saturday.

Marcus and I continue to laugh each day as we struggle through this adventure together. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and thankful for all of the strength that God provides us for each new day.



i have an appt. with an acupuncturist today. i will be sure to fill you in to let you know how it goes!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

i'm running out of cool titles...

This week has been really fun so far... I've gotten out of the house a lot more, and just carry my trusty ziplock bags for vomiting everywhere I go.

Yesterday was delightful... in the morning, I got to see the Toddler Time kids at church... They trick-or-treated in the fellowship hall... there were tigers, skunks, firefighters, and a host of princesses. They were super cute.

I've been walking more often, and am hoping that the little bits of exercise are helping motivate my intestines to work. The medications don't seem to be doing anything at all, but I continue to take them.

I continue to vomit more than 10 times a day, usually with multiple bouts 2-4 hours after I eat or drink something.

We really appreciate all of your prayers, cards, and hugs...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

gastroparesis & halloween!

In all of my blogging, I'm not sure if I threw out the official medical term describing my diagnosis. It is gastroparesis... for all of you web-savvy folks, you can check out a description on web md or some other fabulous website. :)

I continue to eat and throw up... with occassional victories of toast, milk, or a spot of tea. I'm also really good at keeping down "fruit by the foot". I'm not sure what kind of bizarre things that says about my stomach's ability to judge healthy eating... but whatever works!

I've been getting out more, and am trying to get into work a few hours a day. I'm still pretty worn out, but am excited to embrace life outside of my house!

To all trick-or-treaters, we have really yummy caramel twix bars... you are all invited to come and knock on my door. Marcus and I would love to see your costumes.

We're planning to carve pumpkins tonight, so make sure that you all comment on my expert carving skills ;)


Monday, October 29, 2007

the saga continues...

I began on my new medication on thursday last week. the doctor said that it will take about a week before i will feel any positive effects from the medication. so i'm hoping to feel good this week sometime... it's in my plan. :) at this point, i am still vomiting about 10 or more times per day. I did keep some toast down last night, so we can celebrate that!

i heard from the doctor, and my capsule endoscopy was normal. they didn't really expect to see anything, so i guess that it's good to be normal.

i got to watch the 50 students get confirmed at church yesterday! it was totally awesome! yay for Jesus, and the ways that He continues to work in their lives and our lives too!

we are trusting God for healing... and for wisdom for the doctors.

i continue on my IV therapy at home. I am getting a liter of fluids a day through my picc line, and that is helping keep the dehydration away.

some people have shared that they've been reading the blog, but can't leave comments without making a "google" account. please feel free to email me at I will get the comments there too!

many blessings to you all this week!
love, brelin

Friday, October 26, 2007

the adventures continue...

I'm still doing about the same... we're looking forward to the day when I have energy again, and digestion is happening without thinking about it.

My brother and sister are visiting from college today, and I'm pretty excited to see them.

I continue to vomit, whether I eat anything or not, but I did manage to keep one piece of toast down last night. YAY!

We're trusting God through all these adventures, and are really eager for the day when I wake up and don't throw up any longer.

I got to hear the 10th grade faith stories on Wednesday... they were great! Nice job to all the students! You guys were so wonderful in sharing how you're really doing! yay!

Tons of hugs,

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

the new doctor

Marcus and I went in to see Dr. Patterson at Virginia Mason today. He was helpful in discussing my options, and he mentioned a couple of new drugs to try out at home. We ordered the first medication from Canada and will be starting that tomorrow. He also let us know about a drug study that is being done in Edmonds for a medication called cisapride that I used to be on in college. It helped my symptoms quite a bit back then, so we're hopeful about that possibility.

In the meantime, we're going to keep praying and are hoping that this will all be over soon. He didn't want to start TPN or PPN (nutrion supplements) because my weight is not all that low at this point...

We also are checking into some other hospital options in case we need to go that route instead.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

the mayo clinic report

i just heard from the mayo clinic. there is a 4-6 month waiting list to get into the motility dept of the gastrointestinal center. i can have my doc here write a letter to them saying that my case is more medically urgent, but she said that the majority of people are in the same boat i'm in...

i'm pretty frustrated/disheartened/sad/discouraged...

on a positive note, it's a beautiful day in seattle... the sun is shining... and i'm trusting that God has an answer for me somewhere... and hopefully sometime soon.


Monday, October 22, 2007

capsule endoscopy take two

I swallowed the camera pill again today. We forgot to take a picture before I swallowed it... shoot. :) I had a minor emotional meltdown this morning, but am feeling better again.

I continue to vomit everthing known to man... if I don't eat or drink anything, I just throw up stomach acid. I think that's the most frustrating thing of all.

Dr. Mohan (gi specialist) has increased my IV fluids to 1 liter per day, instead of just 500 ml. I'm hoping that will help with my cramping.

I have an appointment to see Dr. Patterson (another gi specialist) on Wednesday--we're hoping that he will order TPN or PPN (bags of nutrition with fats, proteins, etc) The home care nurse can give that to us if the doctor orders it... but she warned me that some docs want to hospitalize patients when they first go on nutrition therapy.

We are continuing to do okay... I'm pretty exhausted--but I'm trusting God for strength to make it through.

The bible verses that keep running through my head and heart is from Romans 5... "And not only that, but we* also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. "


Sunday, October 21, 2007

the saga continues

Nothing new to report today... I am still vomiting, and still praying a lot.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

mom & dad come to town

It's Saturday now, and I've had a bunch of adventures today. My parents came to visit... Dad's been reading a lot, and Mom has been cleaning everything to pass the time.
We tried to go to the post office today, only to learn that we were at the wrong location... shoot.

I'm still vomiting everything imaginable. I heard from the nurse today... she said that my capsule endoscopy (the camera pill) has been re-scheduled for Monday morning. The good news is that I don't have to do the prep again... the bad news is--i have to re-do the dumb test.

I'm getting IV fluids at home each day, which is seemingly holding the dehydration at bay for now.

We're really looking forward to the Mayo Clinic phone call on Monday.

Keep on praying...


Friday, October 19, 2007

the date stamp...

oops. i'm slightly technologically impaired and posted the incorrect dates...
on thursday the title was "same old, same old" and today, friday's entry is "hmmm"

just thought i'd clear that up if there are any questions. :)


Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I spoke with someone from the Mayo Clinic this morning... I asked if they had received all of the information they needed, and if there was anyway to find out when they'll be contacting us about an appointment. The lady on the phone was really nice, and let me know that the gastro dept. from Mayo will be calling either today or Monday. We are REALLY looking forward to their call.

I finally passed the first camera pill last night. (yay!) We have contacted our doctor in Bellevue to let him know. I'm pretty sure they will want me to reschedule the test for sometime next week. We called our regular doc again last night to let him know about my progress (or lack there of) and they suggested that i be re-admitted to the hospital for iv fluids and nutrition therapy. I really want to stay at home... so we are working with the doctors to see if there are any other options.

Our power did end up going out yesterday, but it came back on a few hours later (praise God!)

I think that's all the news for today...

keep on praying... i know God is listening!

same old, same old...

Another day rolls on...
I am still vomiting a kazillion times a day. I'm not keeping food or liquids down at all. I've even tried not eating or drinking anything at all to see if that would help the nausea, but then I just throw up straight stomach acid.

(Sorry for those of you who don't want to read about the intimate puking details, but I thought I'd let you know how I really am.)

Carol (Marcus' mom) stayed the night yesterday with me, while Marcus was at work. He's home today, and I think we're going to put up all of our fall decorations. We're having a crazy wind storm today, so I'm praying that the power doesn't go out... I'm not really up for any more adventures then necessary.

I have to pass the first camera pill before they can re-do the test. I swallowed it on Friday, but there is still no sign of it...

We are still waiting to hear back from the Mayo Clinic. Our doctor's office here has faxed the necessary paperwork to them, so the Gastroenterology Dept. will review it at Mayo, and then contact us about scheduling an appointment.

Please pray for patience, and renewed strength...

intro to brelin's crazy medical adventures

I thought it would be smart to create a blog that people could come to and read about my progress and the crazy medical journey that I am currently on.

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your prayers for Marcus and me. We really treasure your kind words, your notes of encouragement and your willingness to help out in whatever ways you can.

Since September 7, I have been vomiting daily. I have been admitted to the hospital twice, and have been to the ER 5 times now. They have run almost every test known to man. On this past Friday, I had a capsule endoscopy. I swallowed a pill camera that took pictures all the way through my stomach and small intestines. Unfortunately the machine malfunctioned, so they have to re-do the test again sometime this week.

We are working on being seen at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Our specialist here has exhausted his treatment ideas, and has suggested we go there.

I got a picc line (a semi-permanent) IV site put in yesterday and am on IV fluids here at home. It's great that I can stay hydrated without being in the hospital.

We trust that God is working in and through this situation so that He might be glorified. We are weary, but trust that God is holding me tightly in His grip so that we might lean on him more and more.

keep those prayers coming...