
Thursday, December 20, 2012

holidays... and a medical update, if i can type fast enough.

I'm going to do my best to get a 2012 Year In Review, so that we can capture the highlights from each month for you.  I'll try to hit the high (and low) points for you of what's been going on in our family since Halloween.

First off, K and C dressed up as the cutest cows ever for Halloween.  They were properly paraded around their proud grandparent's neighborhood, as we wildly snapped photos.  I dressed as a milkmaid, and Marcus wore a flannel as well.  We were very festive.

The kids have been rolling like crazy.  They rolled first from their tummies to their backs.  Then for quite a while they rolled from the backs to their tummies ONLY.  They couldn't remember how to get back.  So, they'd cry until someone helped them.  Kinley has figured it out recently that if she just keeps rolling everything works out.  Colby hasn't quite mastered the concept yet.  He has found his FEET this week.  He's super excited about this new discovery and is working hard on his yoga baby moves.

This is us picking out our first Christmas tree as a family. 
(Colby is in the brown suit with me, Kinley is on the right, with Marcus.)
K, C, and I spent Thanksgiving Day with the Rismiller's, then the Johnson's, and then we drove to the Fire Station and took Marcus some pie and said, "Happy Thanksgiving!" to all the firefighters.  I got really lost on the way between the Johnson's and the firefighters, and it was a little bit traumatic, but we all survived the experience (barely). :)
The next day, my sister, Sarah flew in from DC with her boyfriend from Europe (I know, it sounds so fancy)-- and all 6 of us drove over to the Tri-Cities for Weakley family shenanigans.  We met my brother, and his wife, Alyssa, there.  We thought we were headed for a quiet family Thanksgiving, but really, we should've known better.  Marcus had to go back to work the following day.  The babies and I stayed just long enough to contract a horrible cold, which basically wiped us out.
Meanwhile, my health had been deteriorating over the past month or so.  My gastroparesis has continued to flare, and it just seems to be a rough patch right now.  To add insult to injury, the cold sucked my energy, and then my port ended up getting a clot in it.  On Friday, (5 days ago), I had the clot-type thing removed in what was supposed to be a simple procedure.  They couldn't do the simple procedure, so woke me up in the middle and asked if they wanted them to replace the device right then or if I wanted to be rescheduled for another time. However, the doctor that performed the surgery didn't factor in that I vomit all the time, so it seems that I may need to have the surgery re-done again anyway because the placement isn't correct.  Ugh.  I go in on Monday to see the doctor who did the "repair" surgery to see if it'll get any better, but currently when I throw up it feels like knives are shooting out of my vein in my neck, and it hurts to turn my head.  So, hopefully we can get this figured out soon.  Marcus and I are both pretty upset (read: mad) that I will most likely have to re-do this surgery again and have it placed correctly in order to avoid the pain and pressure from the vomiting.  I don't think that it's likely to go away or heal on it's own, but I go in on 12/24 to discuss with the doc.  If I do have to have surgery again, we'll go back to the first doc that placed the original port, as he did an excellent job taking into account my vomiting and bony shoulders. :)

twins with twins
Andy, Colby, Sarah, Kinley

C with Great Grandma Weakley

C and K


K at baptism

C at baptism

Me with K, Marcus with C

Matthew (Sarah's boyfriend), Sarah, & K


In more cheery news, the babies are eating solid foods, and they are adorable.  Here are a couple of cute pics.  They also got baptized on 12/9.  It was a wonderful celebration.  I'd love to type more, but Colby is chewing on my arm as I'm typing and K is starting to cry in the other room.  

Love from our fam to yours... :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We've got rollers!!

Kinley rolled over for the first time on 10/31.
Not to be outdone, Colby rolled the morning of 11/1.
Both babies are super smiley, healthy, adorable, and love to chat and giggle at their mama. Thank you, God.
They have also started skipping a night time feed on occasion. This translates to 5-8 hrs in a row of sleeping for them and 4-7 hrs of sleeping for us!! Who knew that could seem so awesome?!

I could use some prayers--my health is really crappy. Please pray that things start to go more smoothly in the land of digestion. My pain is significantly worse than it has been, and I've been struggling with dizziness sometimes. I'm in touch with my GI doctor. Also, pray specifically that my port does not get clotted.

Thank you. Love, B

Friday, October 19, 2012

almost 4 months.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. 

We've waited and prayed for these babies for so long that the first couple of months felt like a honeymoon.  We enjoyed snuggles and love, cuddles and kisses, and basically an "easy" time handling the joys of two newborns.

I believe this has come to an end.

While the kids are still relatively (dare I say) easy, they've recently become a little more difficult. 
The latest mantra in our house seems to be, "No thanks, Mom, I don't really feel like eating my bottle, but I'll wake you up every half an hour from 4 am on to remind you that I'm still not hungry but I would like to have the bottle put in my mouth so I can chew on it a little, smile, and then coo so you don't get too mad at me."  I begin to think maybe K or C has some type of problem with their sleeping/formula/digestion/something...but it seems they are taking turns with this ridiculous new behavior.  Humph.

That being said, there are all kinds of cute things happening at our house:
1. They have finally started to recognize each other.  They've always liked to be together.  Since the time they were born, if you put them in the same crib they'd scoot together and hold hands or snuggle up so they were touching.  NOW, when you put them in the same crib, they'll both look at each other and smile as if they're saying, "Hey! I know you!!  Let's play."  They'll smile and interact a bit.  It's adorable.

2. Kinley is ALMOST rolling over.  I believe sometime in the next week or two she'll get it.  Colby continues to enjoy sucking his thumbs much more than lifting his head, but we're doing our best to encourage him too.  Both are doing a great job reaching their developmental milestones.

3. Both kids are SUPER smiley.  I love it.  They both still rarely cry and are almost always easygoing, willing to let anyone hold them.  They will chat and smile, interacting and even laughing sometimes.  It's adorable.

Here are some cute photos of our recent family photo shoot.  They're about 3 1/2 months old in these ones.

Colby & Daddy

Kinley & Daddy

All the babies and Daddy

Little feet

The Fam





Photo credits for all but the last two belong to my friend, Kristin Weswig. Thank you!!

Monday, October 1, 2012


You know you've arrived in the Land of Motherhood when one baby is eating a bottle carefully balanced with your left hand, the other baby is pooping in your lap, and you're thrilled to drink your lukewarm coffee with your (now) free right hand.

Monday, September 24, 2012

never a dull moment

Kinley has been sleeping peacefully all the way home from the Tri-Cities.

Colby has slept, chatted, read stories, held his mama's hand, held his daddy's hand, eaten a snack, and had a poopy diaper explosion all before we made it to the Thorp fruit stand.

Oh, the joys of being the mama of twins... I'm loving every minute. Well, almost every minute. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Quote of the Very Early Morning

3:19 am
This morning

Me: "Trying to re-snap Colby's pajamas after a diaper change is sort of like trying to diffuse a bomb while someone is yelling at you."

Marcus: "Yes. And you should write that down."

Friday, September 7, 2012

two month update.

I guess I'm averaging about one post per month.  I think that's pretty good, all things considered. 
Here is my best summary of all that's been happening this past month.

1. The kids are doing amazing.  We think Colby is getting close to 11 or 12 lbs.  And Kinley is probably somewhere in the 9-10 lbs range.  Both kids are doing a tremendous eating, and although it takes a while--they are finishing 3-4 oz per feeding.  They eat about every 3-ish hours, and mostly at the same time.  We are currently transitioning them to a new formula (just for regular kids instead of preemies.)  The transition is going very well for Colby, and not quite as easy for Kinley.  Both kids spit up on occasion, and seem to like to puke on me more than Marcus.  I'm not sure if they just feel like I can relate on a deeper level or if I just squeeze them more tightly than Daddy does. :)

2. Both babies are getting stronger each day!! Kinley is holding her head up really well during tummy time.  She like to get her practice in right away and then cries to be held and rewarded for her awesomeness.  Colby, on the other hand, has a more relaxed approach to tummy time.  He'll lay there smiling at you and chomping his fist for a solid 5 minutes.  Then he starts to get a little frustrated that nothing has happened, and that his gigantic head has not magically lifted from the blanket.  Then he begins to wiggle his little butt until his head comes off the blanket.  He does this several times in a row and then gets so frustrated he'll squawk.  The whole thing is hilarious, and it's funny to recognize our personalities in each child.

3. They smile a LOT, and I'm convinced it's not just gas.  Our kids are both noisy and irritable when gassy.  But when they're content (just fed, super relaxed)--they both smile like crazy.  Especially when you're talking and laughing, they'll get right into it.  They've just started to really enjoy their play mat, and bat their arms at the animals that are dangling from the sky.  They love to track their toys with their eyes, and especially love to look at the cool pennants that hang near the changing table.  Each one enjoys the chevron stripes painted on the walls in their nursery, and it's so cool to watch them focus.  They are both sleeping in their own cribs each night, and doing a great job.  They're both pretty noisy when they sleep, but don't seem to wake each other up.

4. I'm doing okay.  I am continuing to pump breast milk for the team, and that's going pretty well.  I was starting to wean off of pumping all together, but then read a series of posts from people with gastroparesis who all said that their health tanked once they stopped breastfeeding.  Not wanting to take the risk, I ramped back up and am pumping several times a day again.  I also had my gastric pacemaker turned back on.  While it doesn't seem to be doing anything helpful, it's not shocking me like it was before.  So, I guess that's good?  I also started on a new medication called domperidone.  It's a pro-kinetic drug that helps the stomach empty faster.  It's helping a bit, and is actually used to help women produce more breast milk in Canada--so safe to take while feeding the babes. 

We're having an open house in the Tri-Cities from 1-4 pm on Sunday, September 23.  We'd love to have you join us to meet the dynamic duo.  Stop by anytime!!  It's at my parent's house, and if you need the address, just text or call me.  My sister, Sarah, will be home from DC too--so you can say hi to her as well.

Colby: 2 months

Kinley: 2 months

"there were three in the bed and the little one said..."

Typical Colby.  It's a rough life.

Kinley.  Mommy's little peanut.

Hugs and love to all!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

6 weeks on Sunday

Yesterday was the kid's due date.  It's hard to believe how much growing and changing they've done outside of the womb in that short amount of time.  I'm so proud of how hard they keep trying, and how much they're growing!!
We had another weight check at the doctor's office on Tuesday.  Colby is weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz, and Kinley is holding her own at 6 lbs. 6 oz.  He is a full 3 lbs. bigger than his birth weight, and she is 2 lbs. 4 oz. bigger!! They're doing so well, that the doctor lowered them both to a 22 calorie formula, rather than the 24 calorie formula that we've been supplementing their breast milk with since birth.  Nice job team!! They are a tiny bit anemic, but their blood work showed that it's because they're both making so many red blood cells (which is awesome.)  So, we'll continue to keep them on the iron supplements for some time.

Marcus and I are doing well.  Marcus headed off to work this morning, and so I will be flying solo until my mom gets here around 4 pm to stay the night with us.  He works a 24 hr shift, so it should be interesting to find out if I survive.  :)  I'll keep you posted.

I think we might just have the cutest kids in the world, but I'm pretty sure I'm biased.  However, yesterday a lady asked me this series of questions while I was pushing their stroller:
Her: "Are those dolls?"
Me: "No.  They're babies."
Her: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Her: "Are they yours?"
Me: "Yes."
Her: "OH MY GOSH!!... blah, blah, blah."

Like, seriously?!?  No, I'm not a 33 year old woman pushing around a double stroller with dolls in it while I shop for coffee, mailing labels, and shampoo at Bartell's at 9 am.  And yes, they were born at the same time to the same parents, thus twins.  And no, I didn't steal the babies from someone else right before I entered the store.

In other news, we took our first road trip last week.  We rolled into the Tri-Cities to surprise my mom for her birthday.  She was elated.  The kids travelled well, but the trip took 5 hrs instead of 3.  It was completely worth doing.  We didn't venture out much, so please don't be offended if you didn't get to see them.  We're planning to return for Sausage Fest weekend.  (My sister, Sarah, will be home too.)  Mark your calendars, we'd love to see you.  It's Sept 21-23.

My health is on the upswing at the moment.  Things were pretty bad last week, but this week I'm doing really great--only puking once or twice a day.  Because I'm doing so well, I've decided to keep breastfeeding (well, pumping) for another little while.  I've also been able to cut back my IV fluids to once a week this week. :)  Hooray!  I think I'll be calling the GI doctor to see if he can turn my gastric pacemaker back on to see if that helps further.  I thought I'd give it a go one more time before I have it removed sometime this fall.

Okay, I think that's all I have to report.
Thanks for the love and prayers.  And if anyone wants to come hold babies while Marcus is working, please don't hesitate to call. :)

Love Brelin
PS Bill- I can't find any of your contact information.  Could you shoot me an email?

tiny feet



All Dressed Up

So Precious

Sunday, July 15, 2012

sunglasses at night

It happened in the wee hours of the morning today.  It was 4:30 am, and I was jolted awake by the cries of my little ones.  I fumbled around, trying to find my glasses so that I could see just what needed to be done.  Had someone spit up?  Was food needed?  A diaper change? 

I couldn't find my glasses.  I checked in all the usual places... bedside table? Nope.  Bathroom counter?  Nope.  In the kitchen by the bottles?  Nope.  I walked back into the really dark master bedroom, where one child was still sleeping.  I felt for the plastic frames so that I might welcome the new day.  Ahh. At last, they were on top of my dresser.  I threw them on, and walked quickly into the kitchen to help relieve Marcus of his baby-tending duties.

After about a minute in the kitchen, Marcus looked over at me quizzically.

"Why are you wearing your sunglasses?!"

We both erupted into laughter.

I tried to relay the story of the missing spectacles in between my fits of laughter.

I finished up with the babies, and put them down to bed.  Marcus went to get some sleep since it was my turn to be "on shift."

As he entered the bedroom, he sang, "I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can... SO I CAN SEE."

Thanks for the mockery, honey.  And here's to many more nights of ridiculous happenings...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

We're home and doing well. (with pics finally!!)

C in back
K in front 

Kinley Grace

Colby David



C on left.  K on right.

Here's the short version of what's been going on in their little lives...
1. Colby was released from the NICU on 7/4, after doing well since he was born.  He'd regained the weight he'd lost since birth, and was back up to his birthweight, so the docs were pleased with his progress, and felt comfortable sending him home.  That being said, we couldn't bear the thought of leaving Kinley in the NICU all alone.  We worked it out so that we could stay in a Parent Room with both babies, caring for them through the night, and just having her hooked up to monitors to make sure she was still okay.  The nurse came and checked on her through the night too.

2. The doctor came in to talk with us about Kinley on 7/5.  He was thinking that he wanted to keep her through the weekend to ensure that she was able to keep growing, and maintain the upward swing that she seemed to be starting on.  I was a little pushy, and insisted that she would do well at home--and that no one was more dedicated to her succeeding on her feeding plan than Marcus and I were. The doc agreed to discharge her.  Immediately after, I was feeling profound regret, worried that I'd been too pushy, and that maybe the NICU was the best place for her if she really wasn't well enough to go home yet.  I sent Marcus to have a "man-to-man" chat with the doctor, while I stayed in the room with the twins and my crazy over-emotional post-partum hormones.  Marcus returned to let me know that the doc agreed that we were "very motivated" parents, and agreed that she could be discharged as long as she had a weight check with the doctor on Monday.

3. So, we came home on 7/5.  All of us.  I was so nervous that I sat in the back seat with them.  They're so tiny in their car seats, and I was worried that one of them would slump forward and stop breathing because they are so small.  Granted, both babies passed their car seat test in the hospital (where they had to sit for 1 1/2 hrs with monitors on.)--but I was still nervous.

4. We headed nervously to the doctor on Monday, only to find that Kinley had gained 6 ounces in 5 days, and Colby had gained 5 in 5.  We were super proud of them both, thankful for all the people praying for them, and SO relieved that my pushiness was not in vain.

5. Since then, we've been doing our best to change diapers, eat, sleep, and repeat over and over again with the dynamic duo.  They're both doing great... and once we stopped giving them the disgusting vitamins (the doc gave us a different kind on Monday)--there has been no projectile vomiting, or fussy babies.

6. Colby cries (really loudly) when getting his clothes changed--he seems to hate being naked.  Kinley doesn't really cry yet, just a little squeak comes out when she wants something.  We didn't even know if she COULD cry until she received a vaccine at the doctor.  The girl has pipes.  It's just a matter of time before we hear them, I bet.  Both kids are very chill for the most part, which helps us to be more relaxed around them too.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, encouragement, and love that you've poured into these two already.  We feel so blessed to be surrounded by so much support and kindness.

Hugs and love to all.
Brelin & Marcus
Kinley and Colby

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I keep meaning to write something clever, but each day passes and I'm so tired (physically and emotionally) that I figured I better throw some words and photos out into the world.

Here are the highlights:
1. My water broke on Sunday, 6/24 at 7:15 am. After prompting Marcus to wake up "for real", we arrived at the hospital by 8 am--having had nothing packed until the water broke.

2. After 5 IV start attempts by 3 different nurses and an anesthesiologist, I was prepped for surgery.

3. Colby David Rismiller arrived at 2:12 pm, at 4 lbs 12 oz and 17 3/4" long.
Kinley Grace Rismiller arrived at 2:13 pm, at 4 lbs 2 oz and 16 3/4" long.

4. Both babies were sent to the NICU because they were so small--and I was only 34 weeks pregnant. They've not needed any machines for breathing or eating so far, and just need a little help staying warm (bc they're both scrawny.) They're also receiving IV fluids, but may get to stop them in the next day or so.

5. They are in the not so intense "ISCU", and have remained there since they got moved down from the NICU after only 36 hrs of life.

6. The babies continue to be fantastic, little miracles. The docs and nurses continue to be dumbfounded by their progress--as are their optimistically cautious mommy and daddy. We might be biased, but we think they're the most adorable little people we've ever seen. It's hard to see the differences in photos, but in real life they look very "manly" and "dainty", respectively.

7. It could be anywhere from a week to 7 weeks left in the ISCU for them. I had a terrible time leaving them last night, after I'd been discharged myself--but today was a little easier. We can't WAIT to have them home with us.

8. Thanks for your love and prayers. I'll be sure to post pics ASAP.

Friday, June 15, 2012

a scare, and relief.

So quickly things seem to go from "totally fabulous" to "completely nerve-racking."  That was our day yesterday.  I went in to get IV fluids (like normal) and wasn't feeling amazing, but didn't think I was feeling too bad either.  Upon arrival, my blood pressure was high, my legs were swelling, I'd gained 3 lbs overnight (of fluid), and I was having some sparkly splotches in my vision on occasion.  These are all textbook symptoms of preeclampsia.  Hmmm.  So, immediately my IV nurse in Issaquah called the high-risk OB in Seattle and explained what was going on.  The drew some blood, gave me my IV fluids, and then told me to get to the hospital because there was a chance that I needed to be admitted.  (Like, for the rest of my pregnancy.) 
Marcus and I rushed over to the hospital, thinking that I was doomed.  Well, not DOOMED, but probably about to embark on a journey which included a significant amount of time in the hospital.  They hooked me up to monitors, checked the babies with different monitors, and then told me that my blood work looked pretty much normal.  We waited a little while longer, and then right around 4:30 pm we got to go home.  Not only did we get to go home, we also got to go home NOT ON BED REST.  Yay!!

I had my normally scheduled appointment today, where they checked the growth of the kiddos.  Our little girl has made a surge to catch up with her brother in size, and now just one oz separates the two.  He has slipped to the 27th percentile, and they estimate his weight to be about 4 lbs. 7 oz.  She is holding strong in the 24th percentile, and they think she weighs about 4 lbs. 6 oz.  The doctor said today that if they continue at this growth rate I might just have 5 1/2- 6 lb. babies.  Yay!!  My blood pressure was back to normal, and although I'm getting dizzy a lot--they think it's most likely my blood sugar dropping too low.  The doc was not concerned about the painful contractions that I've been having, and said that it's common to experience those with a twin pregnancy.

I was a little worried about not knowing when I was actually going into labor.  She told me not to worry, that I wouldn't miss it.  She said if I start dropping f-bombs at Marcus, or if I simply couldn't speak during contractions that were happening rhythmically--that would be the sign.  Excellent.  From now until the duo is born, I see the high-risk OB once a week, and have NSTs twice a week. (they hook both babies up to monitors and check their heart rates, while they watch me to see how often and how intense my contractions are.)

Basically, everything that we've been praying for has been answered so far.  We are so excited to meet these little ones, but are SO eager for them to stay in for another few weeks until they are well done. :)

Thanks for your prayers, love, and support...
p.s. Marcus has jury duty beginning 6/26.  Please pray that he is not selected in case I go into labor early.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

non-stop action at 32 1/2 weeks.

The first photo is Marcus and I after our second baby shower in as many days.  We celebrated with 100+ people between the two days this past weekend.  It was tons of fun, but I'm still in the process of recovering.  THANK YOU to our friends and family who made this all happen!!  They were everything we'd hoped they'd be.

This past week my mom came and made ADORABLE crib skirts for both kiddos.  She also made super cute pennants for the window in the nursery.  The nursery is just about finished, and is turning out exactly as I had hoped.  I'll be sure to take and post some pictures once it's all put together.  I've been working on several different craft projects, and I'm almost finished!!
(Hopefully I can get the photos up in the next few days.)

Below is me at 32 1/2 weeks.  All things considered, I'm still doing very well.  I'm starting to swell a bit more, but I think part of that might be due to the fact that it's exhausting to move, so walking around the block in the rain doesn't sound very appealing.  I have acid reflux that seems like it could kill me, and my precious children won't stay out of my ribs.  I'm also not really sleeping.  Oh, and I'm still puking a zillion times a day.  BUT, I'm maintaining my weight--and I'm certain that the kids are growing, because either my belly is growing or ALL OF MY CLOTHES are shrinking. :)
The day that my mom left, my best friend flew in from Indiana.  Aubrie and I have been best buddies since 8th grade, so it was awesome to see her.  She was able to come to both showers, was insanely helpful and gave lots of brilliant mom advice because she's got 3 kids of her own.  Oh, and we also spent a fair amount of time giggling--which is always fun.  I hadn't seen her for a couple of years, which is completely unacceptable.  We'll have to try and do better in the years to come.

Since my last post, I don't really have any formal medical news.  I go to see the OB on Friday.  At that time, they'll do a growth ultrasound on the kiddos (to make sure they are growing bigger, and at a healthy rate).  I'm sure they'll also check on me too.

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come to our showers, and also for all of you who continue to pray for me and these babies.  We are so relieved to have made it this far along in the pregnancy without any real complications, and no bed rest so far.  Just about a month to go...  HOORAY!!  We can't wait to meet these precious little ones.  Thank you, Jesus, for making this all happen so smoothly!!  Amen.

Friday, June 1, 2012

31 weeks.

I had an OB appointment today.  As always, I entered the doctor's office with a huge list of questions, and slight trepidation.  Mostly I was worried that I was going to be thrown into the hospital, or put on bed rest.  That wasn't the case AGAIN!!  Hooray!! I get to attend my baby showers which will be happening next weekend.  AWESOME.

So, here's what is new.
1. We had a surgical consult and there is not a way for them to remove my gastric pacemaker at the same time that they take out the babies.  (this was a little bit of a bummer at first, but once he explained what had to happen to remove the thing, we decided it was definitely for the best.)
2. I've been having a lot more contractions lately.  Sometimes up to 6 an hour.  Apparently in a twin pregnancy, increased contractions are pretty normal.  As long as there are not 8 an hour, I can just be miserable at home, avoiding a phone call and a trip into get checked out.

3. The doctor told me to listen carefully to my body.  I asked if I could keep swimming and walking.  He said that I just needed to do things that felt good and made sense.  He also reminded me that "carrying twins is a workout of it's own."

4. They listened to the babies heartbeats this week with a Doppler.  For the first time, I didn't have an ultrasound.  They'll be doing another growth ultrasound on the duo in two weeks--this is the really long one where they take measurements of both babies and try to estimate how much they weigh using a fancy equation.  They'll have a good idea if they're still growing, and make sure that I look fine.

5. I'm exhausted, and feel like I could die from heartburn in the middle of every night.  The past 3 nights I've had to wake up to puke one or more times.  This is both miserable and exhausting.  The doctor said that this is something that will probably get much worse before it gets better.  Sweet.  He also mentioned that the last month of a twin pregnancy often feels like it lasts a year.  Ugh.

I think that's all I've got to report.  I'm going to include some maternity photos that my friend, Heather Clauson, took back when I was still "cute pregnant"--as opposed to where I am now, "miserably tired pregnant."  I have another couple photos to share, but these are most of my favorites.

And finally, I have surpassed the waistline measurement of Steve-o (my step-dad) officially.  I'm 40.5" around now, as of last night.  We always tell him that he looks like he's going to give birth to twins any minute.  Now, we realize--his belly isn't quite large enough, he'd only have preemie twins I guess.  Ha!!

Thanks for your prayers--we're so thankful for God's faithfulness and for these miracle babies!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

30 weeks

The good news is that I've made it to 30 weeks. That means just 6-8 more weeks of pregnancy fun before they pull these babies out.

I have arrived at the "everything hurts, is uncomfortable and exhausting" phase of twin pregnancy. I'm not complaining, I'm just announcing.

Most days it's still pretty funny. For example, I was talking on the phone to my mom the other day.
She asked, "What are you doing? Laundry? Dishes? Cleaning the bathrooms?"
"Nope," I laughed, "I just made some juice, poured it into a glass and then sat back down."
"Hmm. With all the moaning and groaning you were doing I thought you were moving furniture or something."

My belly is big. I think it looks even bigger in person than it does in this photo. Another new pregnancy joy is that the dynamic duo's movements now look like there are aliens trying to explode from my abdomen.

I'm not having any real complications still. I'm maintaining my new regimen of IV fluids and that has cut the swelling. My liver is doing well--my albumin and something else were a little low--but nothing alarming or anything the docs need to do anything about.

I'm looking forward to a sunny Seattle weekend. :) yay!!
Lots of love, Brelin

Friday, May 18, 2012

Feeling groovy

So, it's been a while since my last post...Things have been going okay for the most part. I'm still throwing up a lot, but I seem to be keeping fluids down pretty well. As per the doctor's orders, I've gone down to twice a week for fluids (or 3 times per week with just 1 L going in at a time). They are changing the type of fluid that I get, because I'm still having trouble with swelling.

They're switching me to lactated ringers instead of normal saline. This cuts down the amount of sodium and increases my potassium. Today will be my first infusion of that, so I'll be sure to let you know how that goes.

As for the dynamic duo... They are super active!! They often wait until I'm laying down or sitting really still before they start their aerobic workouts. It's awesome that they are active, it just worries us a little what they might be like when they are no longer contained in my belly. :)

They're growing!! The boy is in the 51st percentile for growth and the girl is in the 25th percentile. Hooray!! He is about 3 lbs 2 oz and she is about 2 lbs 13 oz. The doctor said they are both in the normal range and that the size discrepancy is nothing to worry about.

My placenta previa is totally better! Wahoo! And the doctors are not concerned about anything else having to do with me. He mentioned that the kids are getting everything they need (sucking it all from me) in spite of my lack of nutritional disastrousness. (As the doctor said today, you look much better in person than you do on paper!)

I think that's all to report! We are so thankful that this pregnancy (and these babies) continue to be a miracle!

Love b

Monday, May 7, 2012

swollen legs and comic relief

It's been a bit of an adventure, as I am sure that all pregnancies are.  My mother, when she saw me announced that I look "as big as a house."  She and Marcus conspired against me too, and decided that I have the "pregnant lady waddle."  I guess that's all okay--I've got just 9 weeks to go until I hit 36 weeks.  Average twin pregnancies go to 35 weeks. I hoped to give our kids an extra week in the womb.  By then, I should be as big as a skyscraper--so I think I'll be happy to see them on the outside. :)
Me at 27 weeks

Last week, I developed some interesting swelling in my legs.  I know that a certain amount of swelling is normal, but mine was sudden onset and very painful.  My blood pressure also shot up.  All not awesome.  The doctor told me to slow down on my IV fluids and see if that did anything.  I'm also supposed to wear compression stockings on the days that I get my fluids to see if that will help.   The docs were a bit worried about toxemia (infection in the blood), but by the time I got to the doctor (a couple of days later) the swelling and gone down and my blood pressure was back to my normal.  My BP wasn't actually ever "high", it was just high for me.  So, I'm following directions and doing just as the doctor says.  The doc encouraged me to keep swimming and walking when I feel up to it. I'm also trying to up my intake of fluids orally so that I won't miss the extra 2 liters of fluids I was getting IV.  We'll see how it goes.

I had lots of fun at a wedding this weekend.  I got to help decorate and do the flower arrangements.  I LOVE that stuff.  It was nice to be able to use my gifts to help out a friend.  The ceremony was beautiful and the reception space was awesome.  Yay team. :)

And now, a little comic relief from my life:
I was walking down the street about a week ago, and was suddenly assaulted by honking, waving teenage boys hanging out their windows cheering for me.  I looked around, realized I was alone on the street, and their misguided affections were for me.  I was slightly grossed out, and thought, "can't they tell I'm gigantically pregnant?!?"
I was reiterating the story to Marcus and he asked, "Was the car coming AT you?  Or were they approaching you from the BACK?" 
I thought for a second, and then realized that the yelling boys had only hooted and hollered from the BACK, until they must've realized their horrible mistake.
Marcus said, "Yeah.  You still don't really look pregnant from behind."
We laughed.
I guess it's nice to know that I've still "got it" from one direction anyway. :)

And then yesterday, my mom and I went to the mall.  As we're walking through the doors, a different group of teenage boys was going out.  After they all did a lot of head nodding and "how you doin'" smiles, the last (and clearly the most observant) boy exclaims, "OH MY GOSH!! THAT GIRL IS TOTALLY PREGNANT!!"  Yes, I thought, and about 15 years too old for you. 
I'm not sure how the first 5 boys that walked through the door didn't notice, but it does frighten me a little to know that they are operating motor vehicles.  HA!

I think those are all of my funny stories for today.
Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sometimes I think I'll have a relaxing day.

Today was my "relaxing" day.  I didn't have to go to any appointments.  My whole plan for the day included a nice walk with a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, followed by a day of rest.  Marcus woke me up with his kisses telling me goodbye as he headed out the door at 7 for work.  I walked out to the living room and looked at my cell phone.  One of our good friends had gone to the ER, reported her husband.  They wanted prayers, and someone to hang out with their kids later.  I told them I was free and happy to help later in the evening.  I got ready, and walked out to the car in the rain to go for my walk.

On the way to the car, I slipped and fell.  It was the same spot that Marcus had fallen yesterday, there must've been some kind of car grease or oil or something.  I fell forward, but didn't hit my big abdomen.  I landed on my hand and my knee, while somehow managing to injure my big toe also.   I was pretty shaken up, and a little freaked out--but really relieved that I hadn't hit my belly on anything.  I called Marcus at work because I was concerned about the fact that I couldn't feel my pinkie or thumb on one hand, and that my toe was completely numb on one foot.  He was work, though, and didn't get my message right away.

I headed to my coffee date, and was pretty much fine by the time I drove down the road.  I was still worried about my hand and foot, but figured that if anything was broken it would get worse.  I hugged my friend that I hadn't seen in a while, and she noticed that my belly was really hard--like a rock.  I didn't feel anything, but figured I'd check again in a little bit.  It had gotten hard again.

Marcus was worried, called me back and insisted that I call the OB doctor.  I talked to the triage nurse and asked if she thought I needed to be concerned.  She called back and said the doctor wanted me to come in and get checked out on the fetal monitors.  So, I drove downtown to the hospital and got hooked up to machines.  Both of the babies heart rates were in the normal range for 26 weeks, and the contractions that I was having were not productive, they were more "irritable cramping".  Apparently that's common in some twin pregnancies.  Who knew?!  So, all 3 of us were fine.  What a relief!

Meanwhile, my friend was having an emergency appendectomy.  I was going to try and help out with the kiddos, but didn't know if I'd be out of my own doctor's appt in time.  Ugh.  Her surgery went well.  Her husband was able to stay home from work, and she even got to go home with him because she was recovering so well that same day.  What another relief!  Thank you, Jesus!

I was relieved of my childcare duties, and headed home myself.  I was exhausted from the stress.  I was tired from all of the activity and the uncertainty of the day.  And mostly I was hungry.  I ate a lot of garlic bread tonight.  I'm not sure why that was the best food ever invented today, but it was.  Perhaps there are some restorative health properties in garlic?  Or maybe it was just a comfort to take the warm, butter-slathered bread from the oven and savor each bite from the comfort of my la-z-boy recliner?  Regardless, I'm glad this "relaxing" day is coming to an end.  I can't wait for bed.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The vastly expanding belly. 25 1/2 weeks.

It's Marcus' birthday tomorrow! This is us at his parent's house.

Friday, April 20, 2012

a baby update...or two.

The babies (& their mommy) are doing well. We had a growth ultrasound yesterday, which basically means that they measure all their little bones, their heads, their tummies--and I have to lay still forever. With all of the information they collect, they can estimate the babies' weight.

Right now they are:
Boy: 1 lb. 11 oz. and in the 47th percentile.
Girl: 1 lb. 10 oz. and in the 29th percentile.

All of their important organs look great (heart, brain, etc) and there is not much else to report on that front. :) We are so happy that they are both growing so well.

I'm still gaining weight (hooray!!) and may even get close to the 45-60 lbs that the docs were hoping I could put on. I'm about up 25 lbs. right now, and the doctors are thrilled. I tried to do the glucose challenge test yesterday, where they check for diabetes--but I puked the drink after half an hour, so they couldn't do the blood test. They sent me home with a glucometer instead, and I'm supposed to measure my glucose levels 4 times a day for 3 days. So far, I haven't had a reading over 91 (which it should be when I'm fasting)--I might have other issues, but I'm pretty sure we can rule out diabetes. I still have 2 more days to go.

I still have a placenta previa, but it seems like it might be better by the time the babies are born. They are doing some blood work today to check on my iron and thyroid. I'll keep you posted on those.

All in all, I'm feeling mostly good and we are getting really excited for them to be born! We are almost done unpacking, and just need to hang pictures on the wall, and then finish the nursery.

Sending love and hugs to you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

feeding tube dieting? seriously?!?

I'm not often compelled to rant about current events or things that I see going on in the world. Today is different. There was a news story this evening about women using feeding tubes to lose weight quickly so that they can fit into their wedding dresses. SERIOUSLY?!? While I appreciate them drawing attention to the fact that feeding tubes exist, I find it wholeheartedly disturbing that any physician would allow such a horrible thing (which is indeed life-sustaining for people who need it), but it seems that it's being used incorrectly, somehow scoffing at those who rely on it for real nutrition.

An NG tube (the kind that goes up your nose and into your stomach) is painful in itself. It hurts when they put it in, and it hurts while it's in there. It even hurts when they take it out. It sits like a lump in the back of your throat that you just can't swallow. Nutritious fluid is dripped into it, landing in your stomach--and apparently keeping a dieting person from being hungry. I not only hated having one in, but I also threw up the fluid that was being dripped in anyway, so never got to experience the "not hungry" part.

Instead of making healthy food choices & getting more exercise, people have opted for an NG tube?!?

I'm completely disgusted that THIS is what our world has come to. Being thin has become so important in our society, and the wedding industry has become so vast that women are going through medical procedures just so that they can fit into their "ideal" image of a bride.


Tonight my prayer is that women (girls, teens, and my little growing girl) can realize WHO they are and WHOSE they are. I pray that they know they are loved, they are beautiful, and that no matter what size they are--their hearts are so much more important than what their bodies look like. Each one of them has been created individually and they are each gifted, prized, and capable of changing the world just by walking out who they are called to be.

And none of that requires a feeding tube. (unless you're actually sick.)

Monday, April 9, 2012

We have arrived.

My latest prego photo. 23 1/2 weeks and outside of our Sammamish condo. Our house is behind me and the pretty trees.

Monday, April 2, 2012

acceptable pregnancy fashion?

5 1/2 months. That's how far I've made it so far without having to be in the hospital... YAY!
We're also moving on Saturday, 4/7 back to Sammamish--and I'm so excited.

And now for a little comic relief:
I had my first fashion crisis on Sunday. I'd gotten most of my shoes packed for the big move coming up this weekend. I also really wanted to wear a new skirt, rather than one of the two pairs of pants that I've been wearing every. single. day. So, I put on the new skirt, and then couldn't figure out what shoes to wear. I opted for my cute, brown boots. With my skirt & boots, I had chosen a white tank with a navy blue and white cardigan sweater. The sweater was not a maternity one, and I had it buttoned at first. I decided it looked a little dumb, so I unbuttoned the bottom few buttons, letting it rest to the sides of my belly so it wasn't noticeably too short. This alone took several minutes, and several conversations with Marcus about whether it was okay to even wear the sweater at all.

Finally I was dressed, but looked in the mirror, and felt that I needed to pick up the brown leather from my boots somewhere else in the outfit. A belt!! Of course!! Why hadn't I thought of this earlier?! The first belt I selected from the pile was about 3 inches too short. Hmm. Perhaps a different one?

So I found a belt that was long enough, buckled it, and then asked Marcus, "Do I look cute?"
He responded, "I'm not sure. I don't know what the pregnancy fashion rules are."
Honest? Sure. But not helpful.

So I rebuttoned and then unbuttoned the cardigan. I took the belt off and put it back on. I tried two different colors of Tom's shoes, and then put the leather boots back on. I tried on boot socks, then no boot socks. And then I asked again, "Marcus, is this cute?"

He shrugged his shoulders. I blinked back the tears. "I guess I'll just go. And if I look ridiculous, hopefully Rachel (my roomie from college) will tell me before we're there too long."
"Why can't you just affirm me?" I continued, making my way to the car.
"You look beautiful, honey. And I'm so proud of you for carrying two babies at once. I just don't know if the belt is an acceptable fashion risk."
"You just think I look FAT."
"No, I think you look pregnant."

After church, two different friends came up to me..."Your outfit is SO CUTE today."

And now we know, the belt is acceptable during pregnancy. Even if you're having twins.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No more resting

...not exactly "no resting", but the doctor has lifted the inaction ban. Yes!! He even said I can go back to yoga and light weight lifting. Or, I can clean my house and pack some small boxes. I promise not to lift them.

Thank you for all of your prayers. I'm certain that is why I'm doing better.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

20 weeks!

The latest growing belly picture. I turn 21 weeks tomorrow. I go in for another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, when they will hopefully lift my bed rest rule-- I'll post tomorrow evening or the next day, depending on how I'm feeling.

Friday, March 16, 2012

dramatic adventures

I'm not really sure if anyone but my old soccer coach is still reading, but I guess I'll keep this up for him (and whoever else might stumble on my site.) :)

The most recent update is that the last few days have sucked. Prior to the sucking, I had a wonderful time visiting my mom, throwing a bridal shower for a family friend, and then getting stuck an extra day in the Tri because the pass was closed. Sadly, I was so exhausted after the shower that we hardly ventured out to see anyone except my grandma.

It all started sucking when I got home. On Tuesday night, I started having weird tightening and pelvic pressure. I was having a lot of cramping too. I blew it off, and thought if it was still happening in the morning that I'd call the doctor. It happened all morning on Wednesday too, so with much urging from my mom and another good friend, I called the triage nurse at my OB's office. She suggested taking a bunch of ibuprofen and calling her in two hours if it didn't get better. Well, it didn't get better, so I called back and she told me to roll into the ER.

The annoying part of this story is that my husband (who is seemingly always home) has been working days this week, like a normal person does. Only he's taking a rope rescue class for work and doesn't have access to his cell phone except for briefly at lunch. So I was wildly sending text messages that he'd receive after I was already at the hospital. Normally, I'd call M's parents next to take me to the ER. However, they just flew to Kwajalein to visit for a month. Thankfully, my friend who lives down the way was free, and took me to the ER in Issaquah.

We got to the ER and they looked a little panicked when I told them the situation, and that I was 20 weeks pregnant with twins. They immediately transferred me up to the OB floor of the hospital for monitoring. Meanwhile, I'm trying not to freak out. Since the age of 18, the ER has been a place of comfort...usually it means that I've gotten so bad that I'm ready for the medical community to intervene in my guts. However, since I'm no longer just dealing with my own life, and don't have any frame of reference about what should hurt, the ER is no longer a simple adventure. At this point, however, I am holding it together. I am assuming that the cramping is just my normal GI stuff, and that perhaps I have a bladder infection or something else easy to fix--just as my nurse at the OB office suggested.

We arrived at 3:30 pm. I was hooked up to some monitors looking at my contractions, and told to pee in a cup. I threw up 4 times during my stay. The nurse was very nice, but weirded me out a little when she was talking about how they have to treat me very "gently" because of my lengthy medical history, and the previa, and the twins. Ugh. I was finally seen by the OB doctor on call at 6:30 pm, who talked to me for a bit, and thought it was best to page the high-risk OB from the office that I'm seen in downtown. Duh. They'd been telling me that they were going to talk with them from the beginning...why had no one called yet? It'd been 3 HOURS. After reaching the high-risk OB, they sent me home with a regimen of ibuprofen and progesterone. They told me to call the high-risk docs first thing the next morning. Yesterday I called and they squeezed me in for another long ultrasound and a short doc visit.

The gist of the visit is that everything is mostly fine. My cervix was closed and long, so even though I'm feeling contractions--they are not causing any problems so far--and the babies are staying in. My placenta previa is not better, but worse--the placenta is covering the cervix completely now. It's the boy that's the problem, just for the record. They'll continue to keep an eye on this, and there is still a chance that it'll resolve on it's own. They think that the pain is my uterus expanding, possibly ripping scar tissue from previous surgeries/peritonitis--and that it's probably irritating my GI system too. awesome. I was also told not to do anything anymore. No heavy housework, no exercising, not even shopping. I'm basically supposed to laze around, eat a lot, watching tv and movies. I guess I'll get that scrapbook done after all--from the couch. I'm allowed to drive myself to the doctor still, so my fun adventures will now be to see the IV therapy team in Issaquah three times a week. They've only put me on restriction until next Wednesday when I have a follow-up appointment. Perhaps they'll lift the "inaction" plan. But, maybe not.

I'm 20 weeks and 2 days now, and I'm back to puking all the time again. I'm keeping some things down at the moment (maybe one meal a day), and the babies are still growing regularly. They're about 13 oz each now and about 10 1/2 inches long head to heel. They also do flips all the time causing trouble for the ultrasound team because they won't hold still for their pictures. I was a little worried because I only feel kicking on one side. The ultrasound revealed that they're facing each other, scheming, and that all 4 of their little feet are lined up right next to each other. The whole time I've been blaming the boy for the kicking, when it was probably both of them all along. We can chalk that up to my first incorrect placement of blame as a parent. I'm sure it won't be my last. :)

In spite of all this, we still think these are miracle babies--and we are so thrilled to welcome them into the family. We're so thankful that God has control of this whole situation and that He's given us a great medical team to take care of us too. We hope and pray that they'll continue to be "knit together in their mother's womb" just as Psalm 139 talks about.

Please pray that:
1. they stay in there until at least 36 weeks.
2. they are healthy.
3. the placenta previa does not rupture and cause other problems.
4. my cervix stays intact.
5. i stop puking.

Lots of hugs to you all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

almost 19 weeks

Well, here is another pregnant belly picture from yesterday. I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow. For those not in prego land, that is almost 5 months. I'm so excited.

I believed everyone when they said that pregnancy was difficult. I listened, but stubbornly argued that I could handle it because I'd already been through so much medically.

That being said, pregnancy is exhausting. I'm back to puking all day (and night) again. There are moments when I'm curled up on the couch frustrated because my back hurts, angry because I have another headache (I get one every day), and really annoyed because I'm puking again. Then 5 minutes after I vomit, I still feel horrible, but am starving again. I'm maxed out on my dose of nausea medicine, which helps a bit--just not enough to stop me from puking.

All that's going on, but I can't help but thank God every day for it. I'm so excited to meet these beautiful babies... and already feel that they are each such a miracle. I'm pumped to hear their little cries, and see their beautiful eyes. I can hardly wait to hold them in my arms, watching them take in the world one new sight at a time--and I'm thrilled to see Marcus as a daddy. He's already so protective of me (and them) and it's adorable. He's been feverishly researching car seats and strollers; combinations of each, and which ones have the highest safety ratings. He has spent hours checking into cribs and dressers, and I have to keep talking him down from making purchases.

Needless to say, we are BOTH excited.

We are getting ready to move back to the condo in Sammamish on April 7th. This is for a variety of reasons, the main one being that we need to refinance and we get a better rate if we are living there (because otherwise it's considered an investment property.) We're also looking forward to being all on one floor (our rental house is 2 stories with the master on a different floor than the other bedrooms.) I'll be much closer to the hospital where I'm still getting fluids 3 times per week (it'll only be 1o minutes one way instead of 50 minutes), and should I go into labor, we'll be much closer to the hospital in downtown Seattle as well. The final reason is that I'm so excited to start fussing around with the nursery--painting and decorating with Marcus... it should be awesome.

In other news, we celebrated our 7th anniversary yesterday. It was super low-key. We had rather elaborate plans for the day, but I woke up feeling terrible so we just chilled in downtown Sumner instead. Then to celebrate 7 years and 1 day of marriage, we woke up to SNOW. Everywhere. Apparently the stupid groundhog was right.

Thank you all for your love and prayers. We're so excited to be sharing this journey with you.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's a... and a...

As you can see from the picture above, we'll be welcoming a BOY & a GIRL this summer. Both babies look great, are growing well, and seem to have a special affinity for Mexican food and applesauce. We couldn't be happier.

It's as if God has been jotting down all of our prayers over the past 3+ years, and is saying, "Yes, NOW is the time. Here you go, my loves, exactly what you've been dreaming of."

Now, don't get me wrong--this pregnancy has not been a walk in the park so far, but so many things have been going miraculously right.

1. I'm not in the hospital on bedrest. This has been one of my fears from day one, and I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to gain any weight. I was terrified that I would develop hyperemesis (basically super-vomiting) worse than my normal life, and that I'd be forced to spend my entire pregnancy on TPN. (feeding through my veins). Despite all my worries and fears, God has been blessing my socks off. I'm still vomiting plenty, but I'm keeping down enough food that even my doctors are impressed. The babies are growing, and I can even lift light weights and do yoga still. (And I'm almost half-way done!!)

2. We really wanted two kids, one of each ideally. And, BAM! God again has come through fulfilling our biggest dreams of having a boy and a girl!! Realizing how miserable pregnancy would be for me, He let me get it all over with in one fell swoop! :) My pregnant life has consisted of increased nausea, daily headaches, increased need for IV fluids, anemia, stuffy sinuses, miserable sleep, increased abdominal pain, bleeding gums, motion sickness, and a sense of smell that could rival an elephant. Do elephants smell well?! They just have the biggest noses I could think of--so I might have made that up. Regardless, I am so pumped to never have to be pregnant again.

3. We have the love and support of our whole families as we embark on this crazy adventure of parenthood. We've got wonderful role models to learn from--and it's so exciting to carry on the "tradition" of twins in my family. I'm thrilled to experience two babies at once as a parent, rather than an 8 year old. (for those of you who don't know, my brother and sister are twins and were born when I was 8).

We feel so blessed. We are trusting that God is "knitting these babies together in my womb" just as Psalm 139 promises. Pray along with us for healthy babies, for no time in the NICU, no bedrest for me, for continued weight gain, and for COMPLETE HEALING for me.

We love you all, and are thrilled that you're on this wild ride with us. We are so happy to have you loving and praying for us, supporting us emotionally and spiritually through the ups and downs. It's such a JOY to share all this wonderful news for a change.

Hugs and love,
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