
Friday, October 19, 2012

almost 4 months.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. 

We've waited and prayed for these babies for so long that the first couple of months felt like a honeymoon.  We enjoyed snuggles and love, cuddles and kisses, and basically an "easy" time handling the joys of two newborns.

I believe this has come to an end.

While the kids are still relatively (dare I say) easy, they've recently become a little more difficult. 
The latest mantra in our house seems to be, "No thanks, Mom, I don't really feel like eating my bottle, but I'll wake you up every half an hour from 4 am on to remind you that I'm still not hungry but I would like to have the bottle put in my mouth so I can chew on it a little, smile, and then coo so you don't get too mad at me."  I begin to think maybe K or C has some type of problem with their sleeping/formula/digestion/something...but it seems they are taking turns with this ridiculous new behavior.  Humph.

That being said, there are all kinds of cute things happening at our house:
1. They have finally started to recognize each other.  They've always liked to be together.  Since the time they were born, if you put them in the same crib they'd scoot together and hold hands or snuggle up so they were touching.  NOW, when you put them in the same crib, they'll both look at each other and smile as if they're saying, "Hey! I know you!!  Let's play."  They'll smile and interact a bit.  It's adorable.

2. Kinley is ALMOST rolling over.  I believe sometime in the next week or two she'll get it.  Colby continues to enjoy sucking his thumbs much more than lifting his head, but we're doing our best to encourage him too.  Both are doing a great job reaching their developmental milestones.

3. Both kids are SUPER smiley.  I love it.  They both still rarely cry and are almost always easygoing, willing to let anyone hold them.  They will chat and smile, interacting and even laughing sometimes.  It's adorable.

Here are some cute photos of our recent family photo shoot.  They're about 3 1/2 months old in these ones.

Colby & Daddy

Kinley & Daddy

All the babies and Daddy

Little feet

The Fam





Photo credits for all but the last two belong to my friend, Kristin Weswig. Thank you!!

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