
Friday, April 20, 2012

a baby update...or two.

The babies (& their mommy) are doing well. We had a growth ultrasound yesterday, which basically means that they measure all their little bones, their heads, their tummies--and I have to lay still forever. With all of the information they collect, they can estimate the babies' weight.

Right now they are:
Boy: 1 lb. 11 oz. and in the 47th percentile.
Girl: 1 lb. 10 oz. and in the 29th percentile.

All of their important organs look great (heart, brain, etc) and there is not much else to report on that front. :) We are so happy that they are both growing so well.

I'm still gaining weight (hooray!!) and may even get close to the 45-60 lbs that the docs were hoping I could put on. I'm about up 25 lbs. right now, and the doctors are thrilled. I tried to do the glucose challenge test yesterday, where they check for diabetes--but I puked the drink after half an hour, so they couldn't do the blood test. They sent me home with a glucometer instead, and I'm supposed to measure my glucose levels 4 times a day for 3 days. So far, I haven't had a reading over 91 (which it should be when I'm fasting)--I might have other issues, but I'm pretty sure we can rule out diabetes. I still have 2 more days to go.

I still have a placenta previa, but it seems like it might be better by the time the babies are born. They are doing some blood work today to check on my iron and thyroid. I'll keep you posted on those.

All in all, I'm feeling mostly good and we are getting really excited for them to be born! We are almost done unpacking, and just need to hang pictures on the wall, and then finish the nursery.

Sending love and hugs to you.

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