
Saturday, July 5, 2008

liver enzymes

I've been on TPN since Monday, right after I got my picc line. The doctor said that some people "don't tolerate it" for some unknown reason. I happen to be in that minority. :) I always have been special, I guess. tee hee!!

So, they have removed my nutrition bag, my magnesium and zantac, my triglycerides, and all the other goodies. I'm down to one bag of normal saline and a pain patch on my arm. The doctor told me that I can "go ahead and try to eat whatever I want." So, again, we're back to eating and barfing--this time hooked up to an IV in the hospital.

I am enjoying a good book, and I have had lots of company--so the hospital hasn't been bad. My mom and I have gotten to spend lots of quality time together, which has been nice. She has even re-started cross-stitching.... an activity reserved only for sitting bored in the hospital.

Marcus' cold is getting better. He has been really busy on his shifts at work lately, not sleeping much at nights while he is on shift--so he's been able to go home and sleep after work, since my mom is here.

That is all that I have to report for now.

1 comment:

~ Tina said...

Brelin - it had been a few weeks since I'd checked your blog. I'm very sorry to read you are in the hosp. I still am amazed you are blessed with such a sense of humor. At least you are able to draw upon that when you write, which is a good talent.
If you are bored and needing things to read, I have a blog (way more just silly stuff that yours). Feel free to check it out.