
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

adventures in the hospital...

"Mom! Look at my face, there's something different!!" -me, excitedly.
"Bree, I don't see anything different about your face. You have a nice face."-my mom
"Mom! How can you not notice ANYTHING different?!?"-me.

That was the beginning of our day where I was trying to get my mom to notice that I got my NG tube removed in the middle of the night last night. Clearly, she didn't notice.

Just a few short hours later, beautiful sounds abounded in my room. A glorious cacophony rang throughout, down the hall, and into the fabulous nursing stations all around. This cacophony came from the RIDICULOUS beeping noises coming from the 5 IV pumps that I am currently hooked up to. I hope God was glorified with this "beautiful chorus."

On a more serious note, yesterday was pretty rough... I began vomiting the fluids that were being pumped into my stomach through the NG tube. They also found some blood in my puke as well. Since they pulled the NG tube out, I have been doing a bit better.

Today has been full of visitors and more tests (a pelvic ultrasound & a stomach ultrasound). Thank you for all of your prayers, kind words, and love that you've been sending our way.

I should find out all of the outcomes tomorrow morning. Please pray for direction for the doctors and wisdom for the nurses as well.

Hugs and love to you all.

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