
Friday, July 11, 2008

home again, but still puking

I was released from the hospital on Wednesday night, as the doctor was headed out of town for the weekend. He sent me home with TPN and a home care nurse. My home care nurse comes once a week to change my picc line dressing, like before. This time I am on total nutrition, meaning that I get all the vitamins that I need from a lovely bag of creamy looking goo that I attach to my arm. I learned how to inject two viles of other vitamins into the goo so that it is even more nutrient dense. The goo has to infuse over 18 hours, so I am on a schedule from 5 pm to 11 am each day. Delish. :)

I am still barfing like crazy. Stomach acid, water, popsicles, or anything else I might try. I wake up in the middle of the night to vomit. It is not all that much fun... I wouldn't really recommend it. I am exhausted, and my pain is a little worse than normal today, but I am getting some more good drugs today.

My mom and dad (steve-o) are in town, taking care of me when Marcus goes to work. Sarah is coming to visit today, she should arrive sometime in the afternoon. I think that's all to report. :) We're having lots of fun!!

Keep those prayers coming!! brelin

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