
Monday, January 31, 2011

another bump in the road

I just got off the phone with the insurance company.
They have denied my claim.
"It is not medically necessary for you to receive gastric stimulator because you are not showing enough signs of malnutrition. It has been reviewed by the nurse and the doctor at the insurance company."

The next step is for us to write a letter of appeal, and for my GI doctor to also write a letter of appeal, stating why it is important for me to receive this surgery.

To say that I am feeling frustrated and discouraged would be the understatement of the year.

And my cries go up...

...How long, O Lord, how long?


Michelle Glowen said...

Oh, goodness! Our thoughts and prayers are flying your way. I believe with all my heart that things happen for a reason in this life. God is too great to have things just be happenstance. Perhaps that was not the right day or the right time. I don’t know, but we will continue to hope and pray for the clear and easy route to the conclusion of all this misery. You are strong and you will make it through this just keep on hanging in there. You are always in my thoughts!

Mrs.Knutson said...

You are in our prayers!!!
Jill and Molly