
Friday, July 9, 2010

no news is good news?

Mostly, I guess... there is nothing to new to share. Except that it is finally summer at my house. So I have literally been outside as much as humanly possible. And doing my best to stay hydrated. There are some people in Seattle complaining that it's "too hot." I think they are ridiculous. Unless they are old and without air conditioning or menopausal. I feel like those are legitimate reasons to complain.

Since my last entry, I have been busy with lots of things. I was feverishly writing letters to send my Young Life girls off to camp with, since I was not able to attend with them. This was quite a lot of work... and took a lot longer than I had anticipated. But I was able to get it all done, and I'm really looking forward to hearing all of their stories when they get back.

Marcus and I also went to the Tri-Cities and spent a couple days with my parents and my little grandma, Sarah. She has recently moved in with them, and is having some pretty significant health issues. She is 91 years old and currently makes me look chubby. :) Grandma and I had a great time going through old photos together, and her telling me stories from the 1930's and 1940's. It was wonderful!

We got back to Seattle to celebrate a rainy 4th of July with the Rismiller's, roasting hot dogs in a drizzle in the backyard, and then lighting fireworks off in the cold. It was fun, but freezing. Summer (FINALLY) arrived on the 6th of July here in Sammamish. I celebrated by spending the day at the pool. I have made it a point to go to the pool at least one hour every day since then just on sheer principle. :) It is glorious to wake up to SUN finally, and I feel like I'm in heaven.

My health remains fairly ridiculous, and it's been almost a month now since I've gotten out of the hospital. I will call the doctor next week and set up an appointment to follow-up and see what I should be doing, if anything, differently than I am doing now. My weight seems to have plateaued, which is good, and my fluid levels seem to be good. I'm not feeling dizzy for the most part, although when I do get dizzy it comes on very suddenly--so you could pray that the dizziness stops.

A good friend is home from China for a bit, and we have been spending as much time as possible together! It's such a joy to have her back--and I've missed her so much!! :) I'll try to post some fun pictures of our adventures together next time.

My verse of the week is this: Your love has given me great joy and encouragement. Philemon 1:7

I hope you are all experiencing joy and encouragement today!
Love and hugs to all.

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