
Sunday, July 18, 2010

terrible at blogging

Sorry that I have been terrible at keeping you updated lately. I have been really busy doing lots of fun things, which is good--since that means I've had enough energy to do fun things!! :)

I would say that overall, I've trended towards improvement. I'm keeping a little bit of food down some days, and keeping liquids down most days. This is a vast improvement from where I was one month ago. I'm pleased with this progress. I've been able to get out of the house everyday, and play with my friends--which has been lots of fun too!!

Mentally, I'm doing much better as well. My friend, Rebecca, was visiting from Hong Kong this past week, and we got to spend lots of time together--which was awesome. Marcus and I also went camping to Sun Lakes in eastern WA, and just returned home last night. It was sunny and warm, and I'm LOVING it.

There have been a couple of days in the past week where I have gone almost all day without throwing up--which is HUGE. I'm so thankful for this reprieve from constant nausea and pain. Marcus and I were recalling that it was last July when I was feeling "healthy"--so perhaps it is something miraculous about the month? Another thing that I noted, is that I'd been taking zinc supplements trying to avoid a cold that Marcus had. My thought was that perhaps that is helping my nausea and vomiting as well? So, I've continued taking them, since they seem to be helping.

Loads of hugs to all,

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