
Saturday, July 31, 2010

33 things

I have a delightful friend named Kristin. I'm blessed with a lot of really terrific people in my life, but Kristin is one friend who literally brings tears (of laughter) to my eyes every time I see her. We were discussing the some of her co-workers and how they were creating lists of things that they hoped to accomplish by the time they were if that were old. We were realizing that if we were to create our cutesy lists, we'd have to come up with "33 things to do by the time we're 33." It doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but I think we're going to go for it anyway. I'll let you know some of the highlights once that comes together. :)

Marcus and I are headed off tomorrow for the Rismiller Family Vacation. We go to Sun River each year, pile everyone into one big house, and have a blast. It's a lot of quality of family time, and by the end of the week--everyone's pretty exhausted. It really is such a blessing that we all get along so well, and when asked the nieces and nephews couldn't decide if they liked family vacation or Disneyland better--so that helped put things in perspective about how important this trip is. I have no picc line and no feeding tube this year, so I'm looking forward to white water rafting and perhaps the Paulina plunge. I'll be sure to keepyou posted on those.

My brother, Andy, and his fiance, Alyssa, are having a wedding shower at my parent's house in Tri-Cities too--so that's going to be a blast as well. We're looking forward to seeing them and their wedding is coming up in just over a month!

My health seems to be hanging in there for now... I had some weird numbness and tingling yesterday, but it went away and I'm doing well today. I'm still puking, but my weight is stable, and has stayed in the 100's! We love all of your prayers and encouragement, and we thank you for your love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would love to see you one time you are in the TC. PS I am praying for you ,too! :)