
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

not so hot

oooh. the dentist was not nearly as bad as I had thought. I didn't have any cavities! (yay!) My teeth are only a little ruined on the back sides from all the stomach acid, but they think that they'll get better by brushing with special toothpaste and by gargling with the nighttime Crest Pro-Health mouthwash. (for those of you using the blue kind, you should stop--it apparantly stains your teeth after a long time). so, overall, good news from the dentist.

yesterday was rough. today has been iffy. sometimes the liquids stay down really well, and sometimes they just don't. until yesterday, things were going really well. then, things just didn't want to stay down anymore. so far this morning, nothing has wanted to stay down. but i did try to eat some toast... so that's my fault. :) I'll go back to just liquids for the afternoon. :)

i am going to a concert with my sister-in-law, tammy, this weekend in portland. it should be a real adventure!! :) i'm really looking forward to it!! so fun!!

keep those prayers coming for the liquids to STAY DOWN!! i really want to get my picc line out!!
love and hugs!
p.s. i totally missed april fool's day. i didn't do anything funny, or play any jokes on anyone. shoot. :( what a wasted holiday this year.

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