
Monday, March 31, 2008

i think i'm on the upswing!

These past few days have been filled with moments that fill me with great hope... like, I have been keeping clear liquids down on a more consistent basis. Not everyday... and not necessarily consecutive days in a row... but more consistently. YAY for God! And, I have also been keeping some food down sometimes! My biggest victories have included keeping down half of a toasted cheese sandwich and a piece of garlic bread. Those were on two separate days several days apart. Both were very tasty and fabulous!!

My pain levels are over all better, and I'm looking forward to heading to the doctor sometime soon and asking if I can get the picc line out. Maybe not this week, but maybe in a few weeks. And then I'm hoping to get on a sunny vacation somewhere with my really fun husband! Yay!!

This morning I have to go to the dentist. I'm really not looking forward to it. I haven't been to the dentist since this whole debaucle began... I'm sort of concerned about throwing up on the dentist while they are cleaning my teeth and I'm also worried that they might find that I have ruined all of my teeth from throwing up 90 billion times since September. Hopefully, they'll just tell me that I should keep brushing and not worry about coming to see them.
I will keep you posted. :)

My friends, Josh and Amy, had their baby in Florida yesterday... and so I wanted to do a long distance shout out of CONGRATS and WE LOVE YOU and are praying for you!! Congrats on your beautiful baby boy named Bryce Kayden. He & his mommy are both doing great. Good job to everyone and yay for God for keeping everyone safe!

I think that's all for today!
Much love!!

1 comment:

LisaMinton said...

you are in my thoughts often and I was so glad to read your blog just now and hear such positive news. I will continue to pray for you!
I hope the dentist appointment went well.
~Lisa Minton