
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

i'm a digester...

i'm on a winning streak at the moment... i started digesting at dinner on april 7th (yesterday evening--bacon, an egg, and half a cinnamon roll) and have kept down breakfast (fruit cocktail, cinn. roll & coffee), lunch (some salad, iced tea, bread, & avacado wrap), and dinner (latte & bread) so far today. PRAISE GOD!!

it's easy to praise when things are going great, but i'll be honest, i've been trying to have hope in God's promises even when i'm not feeling so hot.

up until last night, my spirits have been pretty low... i'm sick of the rainy weather, i'm sick of being sick, and i'm tired of not having enough energy to do the things that i enjoy. the thing that God has been working on most in me during this time of being sick, is allowing Him to fill my days. i have time to journal, really reflecting on what God is saying to me in this time and through this tough situation.

i'm working through a devotional right now by Darlene Sala, and she spoke of the need to rest in God's love. it was such a helpful reminder to me, and so i thought i'd pass it on to you. Here is a wonderful verse that she mentioned from the Bible...

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. -Psalm 62:5

I hope that you, too, can find rest this day, in God alone... allowing your hope to come from Him.

He promises to be there in those moments when you're digesting and celebrating those mountaintop experiences... and he's there in the valleys with you, when you're crumpled on the floor, not able to walk on your own.

Thank you for all of your prayers...
love and hugs,


Andy (and Heather) said...

Woot! Woot! If God is for us, who can be against us! We're celebrating this small bit of encouragement all the way over in Iowa! We hope the goodness continues.

Weakley said...

I'm glad I got the phone call! I told Ann Summerson too, and she started's all good and I hope to see you soon! Yay and keep it up (actually, down)!

Darlene said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying the book! PTL! May God give you strength and encouragement.

Darlene Sala