
Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm not really feeling fabulous, sorry for giving anyone a sense of false hope. :) I just got back from the Tri-Cities last night. My parents did the "great Brelin swap" with Marcus in Ellensburg last night at 1900 hours at Starbucks. I told them that next time I want to come visit, I am planning on driving myself over, they replied with, "We'll see." I thought that once you turned 29 you didn't ever have to hear anyone say that anymore. Oh well. :)

I had a fabulous Easter with my family. I got to see my whole family (except my brother who is a dork and didn't come home), I got to worship with my family (except my brother---please see note above), and we all had a fun time. AND everyone lived happily ever after.

I had a great good Friday. Since then, I have not been doing so well. I'm not keeping down much anymore... I think that some clear liquids are staying in, more than before--but not enough to have my picc line removed, I don't think. I will be seeing the doc sometime the end of this week or the beginning of next week, and we'll see what he says.

My going away party at Sammamish Hills is April 13, so be sure to mark your calendars. :)

Oh, and please continue to pray for clear liquids to stay down so that I can get my picc line out really soon!! :) You can also pray that God opens the doors that He's like us to walk through.

Yay Jesus!

1 comment:

~ Tina said...

it makes me so sad to hear of you packing up your office at SHLC - you are dearly missed! Happy to hear of your good "latte" Friday, but hoping that will come back soon. Do you get bored? Do you need company? Let us know. ~ The Oldenburgs