
Friday, March 7, 2008

energizer bunny

I'm not sure how many of you remember those ridiculous Energizer bunny commercials from the late 80's and early 90's. There was this slightly annoying bunny that was banging on a drum, while rolling on wheels into some ridiculous situations. The announcer guy in the would cut in to say, "nothing outlasts the energizer, they keep going and going and going." That's sort of how I feel about my vomiting this past week. I might just be the energizer bunny, and instead of playing the drum--my talent is throwing up. I hope I can find a new talent soon. :)

Marcus and I had our 3 year anniversary on Wednesday! We had a super fun & very full day! We went down to Westlake Center and did some shopping, and then walked around downtown--contemplated eating some delicious donuts from Pike Place--but then decided against it. We went to Thai Tom for lunch--which may be the most delicious food I've ever tasted!! It's located in the U District and it's totally worth the drive to enjoy it. After lunch, I was pretty tired, so I had a little nap, and then we went and played mini golf in the sunshine at the Newcastle Golf Course. The views from there are totally gorgeous, and it was the perfect end to a wonderful day!

As for the medical news, there is no real update. I go to see the GI doc today and talk about getting on the drugs that target my nerves and perhaps anti-depressants. The combination of the two may help relieve the pain even better, so we'll discuss with the doc today.

God has blessed me with lots of fun adventures this week, and also terrific friends that have surrounded me and poured their love into my life. I'm hanging on to the verses in Romans right now...
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. -Romans 8:26-27


Helen said...

aw i remember pike place donuts - delish! you'll get to enjoy them again one day soon :)

~ Tina said...

so many thoughts, great anniversary day - hope you could enjoy that Thai food just "one way - down"!

We feel such angst re: SHLC and the future.

Oldenburg prayers are with you!
~ Tina