
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

more new meds!!

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Brelin. She was born on February 25, approximately 29 years ago and was baptized shortly after in a fabulous, fiery red dress. Her good Lutheran grandmother was horrified that a child could be baptized in such a color. Her mother smiled, and said, "it's the fire of the Holy Spirit shining through her." After the baptism, as the baby girl was presented to the congregation, Brelin puked on the pastor. Was this a foreshadowing of future events? One may never know...

(That was a true story)

And, now onto more recent events...
This past week has been rather interesting. I am personally filled with more hope than I have been in the past. I am hopeful that there will be an end to this ridiculous amount of vomiting.

Here are the good things that have happened this week.
1. I kept down a handful of Sun Chips, an 8 oz Shirly Temple, 1 piece of toast, 1-8 oz glass of water, 32 oz of clear liquids, and some jelly beans. Those have all happened on different days.

2. I got to spend the whole week with Marcus because he didn't have to work. We got our house really clean and organized, and I'm happy about it.

3. I'm getting less tired and less confused on the medicines than I was before. (praise God!)

Here are the things that are kinda good and kinda just interesting...
1. If I only drink clear liquids, I'm not really throwing up, so I'm getting hydrated, but I'm not really getting any calories either.

2. If I'm eating food, I'm throwing up, but a small amount of the food is getting digested, so I'm getting the calories...but I'm not getting hydrated.

3. So.......... I'm not really sure what to do.

I just started on two more medicines today.

Carafate and Xanax. One is to coat the lining of the stomach, the other is an anti-anxiety that is absorbed in the intestines. Hopefully it will continue to calm down the gut. I like it when everything is calm in there. I will continue on Glycolax (a laxative-to keep things moving in my slow large intestine), Topamax, and Nortriptyline.

I started cleaning out my office at the church today. It was super sad to start packing up all those memories. I would have been there 4 years in June... I'm so thankful for all of the people at Sammamish Hills... for their prayers, support and love.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey brelin!
just wanted you to know that my thoughts have been with you. sorry about your sad day cleaning up your office. i'm sure it's no fun leaving there.
i hope things start to change for the better soon.
:) molly