
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

mayo day 4: the results

We just finished our appointment with the doctor... Here are the results thus far.
1. I have a motility problem. They are trying to figure out why and where exactly. I will have a gastroduodenal manometry test and a rectal manometry test. I'm pretty sure that neither will be very much fun. Feel free to read up about what that means on the mayo website if you really want to know what's going to happen to me... it might be better for you not to know. :)
2. I have anemia. But the rest of my bloodwork looks good.
3. My small intestine is rotated, but not kinked. Kinked would actually be better because they could fix it easily. Rotated is a sign of a motility problem.
4. I had a slightly irregular neurophysiology exam. The GI doc had to review with the other doc who read the test, because there was something bizarre that she'd not heard of before. But the rest of my autonomic nervous system looks good.
5. I will have a nutrition consult tomorrow at 2:30 pm instead of on March 19. Yay Jesus for letting me get squeezed in. I did have to fill out a 7 page questionnaire about struggling with obesity and how well I manage my weight with diet and exercise. Marcus and I had a good laugh while we checked the boxes and wrote a lot of "n/a". :)
6. My mom is flying into Rochester in 45 minutes, so we are off to the airport to pick her up soon.
7. We are super thankful to be here, and have let the docs know that I'm happy to stay until they cure me. :) We are trusting that God is in and through each minute of the days that we spend here. It's cool, there are Bible verses all over on the walls, and there was even a statue of the angel of affliction, letting me know that everything would be okay. Oh, and there are 19 Lutheran churches alone in the city of Rochester. We're pretty sure that we can find somewhere to worship tomorrow night.
8. You can pray that my dizziness subsides, and that I am able to get through the tests swimmingly. You can also thank God for this place and for the docs here.

Lots of love,


Andy (and Heather) said...

Yeah for test results! We know your mom is dying to see Iowa...bring her down!

Anonymous said...

Brelin, 1st of all God Bless You. You have been so inspirational to me! I know how much you are struggeling but yet you continue to be so strong. It makes me feel the lords presence. I havent kept in touch with you much but I just want you to know I follow your blog and keep you in my prayers always! Wrap your arms around yourself and sqeeze. Then pretend thats me giving you a great big hug.
Your friend in Christ!
Mandy McLuskie

Anonymous said...

Brelin, as always you and Marcus continue to be in my prayers. I'm sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday on your birthday, but I'm doing that now! Happy Birthday!!!
I know, I know I'm a bad friend.

Nick Wichert

weswig said...

brelin, I hope things and tests are coutinuing to provide information. I'm praying for you!