
Friday, November 9, 2007

a fresh perspective...

I've been trying to think of a funny title to capture the day that we've had today... Let me just begin by saying that God seriously must have a sense of humor. A couple of days ago, Marcus came home from the fire station and showed me an interesting looking red sore on his shoulder. I thought it looked like a bug bite or something so we didn't really worry about it. Anyway, we found out today that Marcus has shingles. I keep teasing him, saying that he is just trying to steal my thunder... It's pretty comical--apparantly the Brelin/Marcus team should be benched. :)

The good news is that I have no sign of this disgusting virus, but please pray for Marcus and a speedy recovery--shingles is pretty painful (so I hear).

I went to see a new doctor today. It was sort of a long appt... and seemed pretty positive. He's trying me out on 3 different medications (one for dizziness, one to coat my stomach, and a pain patch) beginning tomorrow. He said that if this is going to help, I should know by Monday or Tuesday. Then next Friday morning, I will be having another upper endoscopy, and he plans to inject my pylorus with botox. This procedure is relatively safe, with no real long term risk--so we're going for it. After we exhaust all of these new options, he said that he'd be happy to begin the paperwork nightmare to get enrolled in the drug study.

I have another appt for acupuncture tomorrow... I'm hoping it will keep my pain at bay at least for a few hours...

Keep those prayers coming!! Specifically for Marcus' speedy recovery, for any or all of these different medications to help the nausea and vomiting, and that I stay shingle-free.



DK said...

Hi Brelin!

I found your blog site through the church newsletter. You and Marcus are constantly in our prayers. I'm so glad to see that your humor still shines through!

- Debbie K

~ Tina said...

so sorry about Marcus's illness - that's a big drag! I don't know how many comments you really get, but please know, that it's great that you plug away and keep updating us all with your blog. I feel helpless, but we keep praying for you both.
The Oldenburgs