
Monday, August 18, 2008

me and my feeding tube went hiking

My new photo, which shows off my tongue--which is helpful in digesting my food now. It also shows my feeding tube, which, for the last two nights, I have not even had to hook up--because I have had sooooooooooo many calories during the day!!!!!! Hooray!! MEANING--I ate the whole amount of calories that I needed all by mouth--and it all stayed down! YES!! Praise God!! Woot!! Woot!! My photo also shows off the really fun (not super strenuous, but still pretty tiring) hike that Marcus and I went on Saturday. We hiked to the Second Buroughs on Mount Rainier. I think that all might be spelled wrong, but you get the idea. Round trip it was about 6 miles, and I felt fabulous afterward!!

Yesterday, which was Sunday, we went up to Marysville and worshipped at Bethlehem Lutheran, where our friend Abby is the worship leader. The church was rockin'!! We had a great time, and then went out to lunch with them. While we were way up north, we went to the outlet mall, and I scored some board shorts at Pac Sun for $10 each (sweet)--and then we came home. Last night we went and played some tennis, I was doing really bad, and then we ran around the track at Eastlake. I ran for 1.5 miles!! Yay!! :) I even kinda pathetically sprinted at the end. :)

I LOVE feeling good. Thank you Jesus. My hope is that I can stay on this path of wellness, and get my feeding tube out soon... returning to work, eventually. Please pray for clarity and direction for me... knowing where God would have me go know next. This has been such a long year, it would be so wonderful if it was all coming to an end soon. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God - we also hope that this is beginning of new life for you and Marcus!!!!

Art and Sande