
Saturday, June 28, 2008

much more exciting than usual

my week has been full of adventure... and not the fun kind.

on tuesday night at 2 am, i woke up to horrible pain and vomiting. like rolling around on the bathroom floor bad. marcus had i had some good discussion about it, and then decided to head to the ER. we figured i was probably at least a little dehydrated, and they could help manage the pain. unfortunately, marcus had to work the next day, and they kept me at the ER until 7 am. He dropped me off at his parent's house, and headed to the station to start his shift.

wednesday, i spent the day vomiting bile. (stomach acid) i was sipping water and pretty drugged from my ER experience the day before. i did manage to sleep through the night on wednesday night.

thursday, i spent the day vomiting bile again. i went to see the GI doctor in Edmonds and he sent me to the hospital for 2 more liters of saline and some more nausea and pain meds. he gave me a prescription for some tylenol 2 to see if that helped slow my small intestine down enough to keep some food down at breakfast. i'm supposed to call him on monday. he said that he might just "put me in the hospital to try and figure things out" i think i'm ready for that now.

friday, i spent the day trying little bits of things... saltines, juice, thinking that perhaps if i soaked up some of the bile, i wouldn't throw up. but to no avail. i threw up just as much--maybe more. and then didn't sleep through the night last night.

which brings us to today. i kept my tylenol 2 down for the first time, and am sipping on some G2--hoping that i can keep it down. :)

1 comment:

Holladays said...

brelin, so sorry to hear you had to go back to the hospital. you are in our prayers....we are gone most of July so cannot visit, but will light a candle at the Vatican for you! I pray for your comfort and healing, much love, the holladays