
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

one of these days... are going to read my blog, and there will be news like, "Marcus and I just finished a triathlon in Hawaii" or "we just got back from a cruise in the Carribean"... or "God totally healed me and the doctor's can't understand how"

Unfortunately, that is not today's entry. :)

I am still vomiting, now on a double-dose of medication. That's the highest dose that you can be on... so I'm remaining hopeful for my visit to Mayo. It seems that I'm keeping small amounts of clear liquids down on occassion with the new double dose... but no amount of food is staying in. Shoot.

The good news is that my heart is hanging in there on the double dose, there is no sign of problems on my EKG. (That is one of the side effects of the meds... it can cause heart problems.) The other good news is that I'm totally done with my blood clot shots, and that it will continue to heal all the rest of the way on it's own. The huge bruises & swelling on my sides are going down now that I'm not on huge doses of blood thinners, so that's nice too. :)

I remain on 2 liters of IV fluids per day, and that is seemingly keeping my weight stable. It helps with the dizziness too, although I am still getting dizzy often...

For the last couple of weeks, I have not been sleeping through the nights... I wake up about 4-5 times each night in pain. Please pray that this gets under control soon. :)


1 comment:

Helen said...

hey beautiful lady, just wanna say we are praying for you...keep hanging in there. Still hoping you're gonna make it over here sometime soon! xxx