
Thursday, January 3, 2008

a new location

I've been having a hard time the last few days trying to keep my spirits up.... chronic illness is awfully hard to deal with. It's been 4 months of constant vomiting now, and I'm weary. Marcus is working quite a bit these next few days, so Marcus and my mom did a "great Brelin swap" and came over to the sunny side of the state to visit my mom and dad. There is no sunshine here, but the change of scenery is nice. I have a cold now, that I think I caught from my really cute nieces and nephews. Shoot. I went to the pharmacy this morning, and went over all the drugs that I'm on with the pharmacist. She helped me pick out some cold medicine, so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

I am still using my new picc line (in my left arm now). I do about 1-2 Liters of fluid a day through my arm. My right arm is still pretty swollen from the blood clot, despite my stupid shots of medicine twice a day. I have to go in for another ultrasound tomorrow, and then they'll compare to make sure it's still going down. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday of next week with the GI doctor--he'll check on my blood clot, and hopefully tell me good news about the drug study medication.

I think that's all for now. Love you all...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Brelin,
I'm glad that you are able to be cared for by your mom and dad for a few days. It would be no fun to be home alone!
You seem to still have your sense of humor... ??
We miss you!!
Please let me know if I can help you in any way! We love you!