
Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's been a pretty long, tiring week. My vomiting/dizziness has gotten worse over the past few days, so that now I am vomiting so violently that it makes me dizzy and i almost pass out. Marcus told me that he thinks it's from a nerve in your neck that causes your blood pressure to drop so that your head doesn't explode! :) I thought that sounded like a cool explanation--so i thought i'd post it for you.

I tried to hang out with the kids on Sunday night at youth group, and it was super fun to see everyone--but the whole experience was so exhausting, that I don't think I'll be up to that again.

The doctors have increased my hydration so that I'm getting two bags of IV fluids a day, when I need them. (that's 8 hours of being connected to an IV--but it's much better than passing out.)

Thanks for your continued prayers. We love you guys!

1 comment:

Holladays said...

Brelin, we think of you often and say our prayers for you! I understand your exhaustion,and frustration that this is lingering on so. May God's blessings continue on for you and bring healing soon and bring you comfort during this most holy season. Warmly, The Holladays