
Friday, June 15, 2012

a scare, and relief.

So quickly things seem to go from "totally fabulous" to "completely nerve-racking."  That was our day yesterday.  I went in to get IV fluids (like normal) and wasn't feeling amazing, but didn't think I was feeling too bad either.  Upon arrival, my blood pressure was high, my legs were swelling, I'd gained 3 lbs overnight (of fluid), and I was having some sparkly splotches in my vision on occasion.  These are all textbook symptoms of preeclampsia.  Hmmm.  So, immediately my IV nurse in Issaquah called the high-risk OB in Seattle and explained what was going on.  The drew some blood, gave me my IV fluids, and then told me to get to the hospital because there was a chance that I needed to be admitted.  (Like, for the rest of my pregnancy.) 
Marcus and I rushed over to the hospital, thinking that I was doomed.  Well, not DOOMED, but probably about to embark on a journey which included a significant amount of time in the hospital.  They hooked me up to monitors, checked the babies with different monitors, and then told me that my blood work looked pretty much normal.  We waited a little while longer, and then right around 4:30 pm we got to go home.  Not only did we get to go home, we also got to go home NOT ON BED REST.  Yay!!

I had my normally scheduled appointment today, where they checked the growth of the kiddos.  Our little girl has made a surge to catch up with her brother in size, and now just one oz separates the two.  He has slipped to the 27th percentile, and they estimate his weight to be about 4 lbs. 7 oz.  She is holding strong in the 24th percentile, and they think she weighs about 4 lbs. 6 oz.  The doctor said today that if they continue at this growth rate I might just have 5 1/2- 6 lb. babies.  Yay!!  My blood pressure was back to normal, and although I'm getting dizzy a lot--they think it's most likely my blood sugar dropping too low.  The doc was not concerned about the painful contractions that I've been having, and said that it's common to experience those with a twin pregnancy.

I was a little worried about not knowing when I was actually going into labor.  She told me not to worry, that I wouldn't miss it.  She said if I start dropping f-bombs at Marcus, or if I simply couldn't speak during contractions that were happening rhythmically--that would be the sign.  Excellent.  From now until the duo is born, I see the high-risk OB once a week, and have NSTs twice a week. (they hook both babies up to monitors and check their heart rates, while they watch me to see how often and how intense my contractions are.)

Basically, everything that we've been praying for has been answered so far.  We are so excited to meet these little ones, but are SO eager for them to stay in for another few weeks until they are well done. :)

Thanks for your prayers, love, and support...
p.s. Marcus has jury duty beginning 6/26.  Please pray that he is not selected in case I go into labor early.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brelin, I am so amazed and glad that you are carrying these twins so beautifully! Keep up the good work. I will be praying that you make it to atleast 36 weeks! You can do it!
