
Monday, January 2, 2012

the New Year

This year will certainly be a year of firsts for us... and we couldn't be more excited about both of them and all the craziness they'll bring us!

Christmas went well, and we had a great time with all of our families. I came home, have been to the doctor, and am mostly just exhausted. My mom reassures me that being tired is normal--she recalls sleeping through an entire football season when pregnant with my bro and sis. So I'm celebrating the "normalcy" of sleeping 12 hrs+ each day in between my insane bouts of nausea and vomiting.

The first weeks of pregnancy seemed to go really well. The last couple of weeks have been a little more challenging. I'm still keeping down more food than I normally do, but my nausea and vomiting was previously held at bay until about 3 pm. Now, I only make it to 12:30 each day before I begin yakking my brains out despite all the nausea meds that are safe during pregnancy. My friend, Rachel, keeps reminding me that the nausea is a nice reminder that all is going well with my pregnancy--my hormone levels are clearly rising correctly. While I appreciate her encouragements, I'd rather just stop puking. :)

Marcus is, as usual, uber-patient with me and the vomiting/sleeping debaucle that I have become. He does his best to shove food down me at every turn, and I've consumed more Ensure drinks in the past couple of weeks than I care to remember. I'm even getting sick of my favorite flavor, strawberry, because I've had it so much. Sad day.

Beyond all that, I remain super excited and optimistic for the future. I'm not losing immense amounts of weight, but I'm not gaining weight either. The docs say at this point my nutrition markers look good. (they check them in a blood test) I'm seeing the high-risk OB each week so that they can keep a close eye on me and the babies. So far, so good. Each week they do a quick ultrasound, looking for both heartbeats in one picture. Their hearts are getting stronger, and their heartbeats are totally normal and what they'd expect them to be. They are also growing at the correct rate, and look otherwise healthy.

And now, does anyone have ideas about how to get more calories in each day? I've talked to a nutritionist already, but they didn't have any really good ideas, just one or two new things for me to try. I'd love to hear if anyone has any ideas. Even snarky comments are welcome. :)

Love you all, and Happy New Year!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

hard candy. lindt chocolate. sour patch kids (the sour thing seems to help in pregnancy). personally, i loved cake and ate a lot of it.

kristin f

Amanda said...

My first pregnancy had me eating refried beans and rice. (I know, uber gross. I wouldn't even touch refried beans before then.) I snacked on colby jack cheese sticks or yogurt.

My second pregnancy was cravings of spinach and cottage cheese. I eventually got to the point where I added black beans, corn, tomatoes, avocado, mozzarella, and Parmesan. And I developed a two bowl a day addiction to ice cream. :)

I pray you find your craving filler.

Anonymous said...

Coffee (the smell esp) was the only thing that kept the nausea down for me! LOVE YOU!
