
Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. In my defense, our power was out, and we've been really busy at all kinds of doctors.

Here's the latest:
My weight is stable, but not increasing. The doctor is okay with my progress, and hopes that I can gain 10 lbs in the next 7 weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need to keep down a lot of Costco muffins to make that happen. :)

We had an ultrasound on Monday, and the babies were so big! (the size of limes) They have all their fingers and toes, we got to see their hearts, stomachs, and brains. It was very cool.
One baby is right on top of the other in the pictures--the top one danced through the ultrasound (clearly my child), while the other one laid pretty still except for every once in a while when he/she scrunched up it's face and arched it's back to protest its dancing sibling. We just laughed. The bottom twin would not pose for the pictures very well, while the top one was very compliant. We are hoping that we can see gender in my next ultrasound, which is in a month.

The OB is hoping that I'll be feeling less exhausted and less nauseated soon, since I'm in the second trimester now. I've been having horrible headaches, and the OB said that just happens in some women, and not to worry about it. Let me share that vomiting with a splitting headache is not my favorite thing.
My most recent blood work showed that I'm perfect! My electrolytes and nutritional status look amazing. Yay me and babies!!

I'm starting to get fluids 3 times per week so that we can stave off dehydration. My blood pressure has been running pretty low, with the numbers close together--so we are hoping the extra fluids will help.

The GI doctor consult was very enlightening. There is not a chance of the pacemaker causing preterm labor, because it's already turned off. Some people who have the pacemaker just hurt from it, even when it's turned off. The doctor thinks that's probably the case with me. He doesn't think that having a new device put in would help as he believes that the same shocking thing would take place all over again. So, I think I'm going to have it removed (perhaps when they do the c-section) if they can.

The past week or so has been crazy with the snow and ice storms in the Seattle area. We got 8+" of snow, followed by 3" of ice on every tree. We lost about 10 huge branches in our front yard, but they didn't cause any damage to the house. I'll try to remember to post pics next time. We continue to have high winds, and our power is flickering, but has stayed on so far.

We are so excited about how God is working in and through this pregnancy. I'm about one third of the way done, and have not been admitted to the hospital!! (thank you, Jesus!!). We are so thankful for His love and blessings surrounding us as we walk through this together.

We love you, thank you for your prayers!!

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