
Monday, December 19, 2011

the BIG news

Many of you know already, but I thought I'd share the news with the rest of you...


We heard heartbeats for the first time on Friday, and although it's still early in the pregnancy, I'd love to have you all praying for me (and the babies). I'm doing well for the most part...still vomiting, but not nearly as often as I usually do...which is good, because I'm supposed to be eating 3000 calories a day. I'm certain I'm not close to that yet, but am pretty pleased with my progress overall. I'm really, really tired--and am doing my best not to just "push through" like I'm used to doing. Whenever I start to get frustrated at how exhausted I am, I say out loud, "Give yourself a break. You're growing brain cells today." Or, "You're growing hands today...and you have to make 4!!" That helps me remember what the end game is, and then I take a nap.


I'm very early on in my pregnancy. Just 7 1/2 weeks along. I realize that most normal people wait to tell others until they are at the their second trimester. I, however, am not normal--and am eager to have all of you praying for this process. :) So, pray!! (tee hee)


Just to warn you, I'm not the girl that's going to post their ultrasound pictures on Facebook (or on the blog). While we think that seeing both ventricles of the heart beating in two babies at the same time is a miracle (and super cool) we realize that all you non-pregnant types don't find it nearly as interesting. :)


So, the miraculous news of twins combined with the super sunny December weather has certainly lifted my spirits. Besides my exhaustion, my mood couldn't be better. Since we heard the news, Marcus and I go back and forth between being elated, and so freaked out we might pee our pants. It's been nice to have my mom (who also had twins) be able to share her good ideas with me.


I've started seeing a high-risk OB already, and really like her. It's part of the Perinatal Clinic in downtown Seattle, and all of the doctors in the practice are high-risk. Many of my appointments will be with different doctors--it's a real "team" approach--and I'm hoping I like it. I've heard nothing but amazing things about these doctors, and although it's a trek to get my appointments, I'm glad to have their expertise on my side. I am also consulting a nutritionist on Friday 12/23 to see if there are easy ways for me to sneak more calories into my diet. The OBs have said that I need to be checked out weekly (at least for a while) to make sure that my electrolytes are balanced, and that my albumin and pre-albumin (which indicate malnutrition) are at the correct levels too. For now, I'm continuing with my fluids twice a week, and still LOVE having my port.


We are so excited!! And we're thrilled to watch God's hand at work through this whole process. The best part of this pregnancy is that I'm so at peace about everything. It might be a tough road, but I just know that God is in and through me, working on knitting those babies together as we speak. The Christmas story has taken on a whole new meaning to me this year, as I hear the story about Mary and the Angel. So cool.


Have a blessed holiday, and safe travel to all who are headed somewhere else!

Love ya!!




Erin said...

I just want you know that I am singing praises for you! I am so happy! I will be praying you and Marcus into that exciting adventure called parenthood!


Amanda said...

What amazing news! More prayers coming your way. Congratulations!!


MelissaS said...

Congrats to you and your husband! I can't wait to hear more updates. Yay!