
Saturday, June 6, 2009

the rain in spain.

I try to love the weather here on the west (wet) side of the state, but it's really a struggle. I can honestly say that these past couple of weeks have been absolutely glorious here in Sammamish. It's like God picked up Sammamish, keeping all the beautiful trees, mountains, lakes, flowers, etc, and then dropped it into the middle of eastern WA, allowing us to experience the glorious 80's and 90's. I was in heaven.

I woke up this morning to clouds again, and I'm hoping that it's just a little blip the summer sun that began so early this year. Because it seriously helped me feel a little cheerier! :)

I went to a really cool fundraiser the other night about a non-profit called Krochet Kids. It was started by some guys that graduated from HS in 2004. Can you believe that?! It's crazy to me. The organization is changing lives, empowering women in Uganda, and clearly affecting people here with their amazing story too. Very cool.

People often ask what I do with my time. I'm not sure where it all goes, but I do feel "busy" most days, not "overwhelmed", but "busy". I meet with about one friend per day. I go on at least one walk a day to keep things moving in my intestines. I've been swimming and playing frisbee since it's been sunny. I volunteer with a few different non-profit groups. I rest, and I read, I pray, I journal, and I send cards. Sometimes, if I'm feeling especially terrific, I will work as a sub, but that is very rare--and usually wears me out for several days afterward.

Another thing I try to do with my time is....I try to digest. The doc continues to play around with my meds/dosages/etc. I focus mainly on fluids, and if that goes well, then I try to eat. I hate to say that I've found a combo that "works"--but it seems like when I drug myself very heavily with a particular set of drugs at a particular time, that I am able to keep down some food. The only problem beyond that, is that I'm so drugged that it leaves me really spacey, not able to carry on a conversation--much less work.

Well, I guess that's all for today. I'm out of words, and needing a nap after all this typing! :)
Thanks for continued prayers.

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