
Saturday, June 28, 2008

much more exciting than usual

my week has been full of adventure... and not the fun kind.

on tuesday night at 2 am, i woke up to horrible pain and vomiting. like rolling around on the bathroom floor bad. marcus had i had some good discussion about it, and then decided to head to the ER. we figured i was probably at least a little dehydrated, and they could help manage the pain. unfortunately, marcus had to work the next day, and they kept me at the ER until 7 am. He dropped me off at his parent's house, and headed to the station to start his shift.

wednesday, i spent the day vomiting bile. (stomach acid) i was sipping water and pretty drugged from my ER experience the day before. i did manage to sleep through the night on wednesday night.

thursday, i spent the day vomiting bile again. i went to see the GI doctor in Edmonds and he sent me to the hospital for 2 more liters of saline and some more nausea and pain meds. he gave me a prescription for some tylenol 2 to see if that helped slow my small intestine down enough to keep some food down at breakfast. i'm supposed to call him on monday. he said that he might just "put me in the hospital to try and figure things out" i think i'm ready for that now.

friday, i spent the day trying little bits of things... saltines, juice, thinking that perhaps if i soaked up some of the bile, i wouldn't throw up. but to no avail. i threw up just as much--maybe more. and then didn't sleep through the night last night.

which brings us to today. i kept my tylenol 2 down for the first time, and am sipping on some G2--hoping that i can keep it down. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

nothing new to report

sometimes i think that i might be going crazy.... like seriously losing my mind. here's why: i ate some dinner last night that stayed down. i thought it was the beginning of beautiful things. then i ate some breakfast this morning. then this morning i threw up my breakfast and some of my dinner. shoot. then all day today, i've just been throwing up everything. even water. that's not fun. so, it's been sort of rough today.

tomorrow i'm going to go see a new naturopath/md. he's the doctor that my brother-in-law, jon, has been encouraging me to go see... jon warned me that the doc is a little weird. i began to get concerned about the appointment, and marcus reminded me that ALL of my docs are a little weird. good one. so here i go.

oh, for those of you wondering, i'm back in sammamish again. and i did enjoy the sunshine today. :) the trip to spokane was fun. it is nice to be home, and resting comfortably in my own bed though. :)

i think that's all i have to report for this day.
hugs and love to all.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Marcus and I are on yet another adventure... this time in Spokane, WA. We are here for a brief trip to visit his aunt's new home with his mom and dad.

Good medical news: I believe my bladder infection is finally gone.
Somewhat good medical news: With the new combination of meds, I am able to sneak some food down in the evenings right before I go to bed, thus getting in some calories...
Other good medical news: I have been able to stay out of the hospital so far :)

We are enjoying the sunshine and 75-80 degree weather. Marcus and his dad played golf today while his mom and I drove them around in golf carts--all of soaking up the sunshine!! It was fabulous!!


Monday, June 9, 2008


i had to end the song titles... sorry, Sarah.
Last night I kept down one piece of pepperoni pizza. It does not fit into the "low fat" category. But it does fit into the "delicious" category. I'm not sure why it stayed down, since literally NOTHING has been staying down this past week... but Praise God for it... and then move on, I suppose. :)
My bladder infection has still not gone away, so I am on round two on anti-biotics. And the GI doc put me on another combination of medications this weekend and told me to call on Monday. I started them last night, and slept well through the night, and did keep the pizza down, so maybe things are looking up. :)
Not much else to report. We cancelled the last part of our trip due to my pathetic self, and we are hoping to visit my aunt, Mary, in South Carolina later this summer. It should be super fun!! :)
I know that God hears all of our prayers, and I know that He is listening, and so I think that He must be doing something big in me--since He is waiting so long to heal me--He must be working on some kind of mighty transformation within. Sometimes I just wish He would hurry up, though. :)

Hugs for the day! brelin

Friday, June 6, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

3 happy pieces of news for this day.
1. I got to see my sister, Alyson and her husband, Rich, that I haven't seen FOREVER... we've had two meals together in the last 24 hours and caught up on life.... it's been super fun!
2. It's 3:27 pm right now, and I have not thrown up the ENTIRE day so far. YAY!!! And I have even kept down like 5 bites of solid food, and a couple of glasses of water too!
3. My grandpa's 80th birthday party was really fun, we got to see the whole Weakley family, we've enjoyed lots of fabulous family fun time, and I got to see my Grandma Sanders too!

We're headed back to Seattle tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers, they must be working, so PLEASE keep them coming!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

hangin' tough

Marcus and I are in the Tri-Cities now, we arrived on Monday. Tomorrow is my grandfather's 80th birthday celebration, so we are here to be a part of the festivities. We came early to soak up the sunshine, however, we brought the nasty rain clouds with us over the mountains--so there was little to enjoy on Tuesday. Today the weather redeemed itself, so I spent as much time as possible reading my book out in the sunshine. Tomorrow, Marcus is hoping to get some golf in before the party... and then the party is in the early evening.

My health continues to be slightly ridiculous. When I say slightly, I mean totally. I have been having more and more trouble keeping fluids down lately--and it seems that I can't keep much of anything down at all. For a while it seemed like some crackers were staying down--for the last couple of days, nothing is staying down. I seem to be staying somewhat hydrated somehow though, as I am not cramping, or experiencing the other really horrible side effects of dehydration yet... so I will keep you posted on that.

Marcus and I were supposed to be leaving for a sweet road trip directly after our trip to the Tri-Cities, but I believe that is no longer looking very promising. I think a trip to the hospital, or at the very least, the doctor's office is looking good after we get done here in Richland.

Please pray specifically that this combination of medication begins working immediately, that I can begin keeping down clear liquids--especially enough to stay hydrated, and that, ideally, I can stay out of the hospital. :)
