
Thursday, June 28, 2012


I keep meaning to write something clever, but each day passes and I'm so tired (physically and emotionally) that I figured I better throw some words and photos out into the world.

Here are the highlights:
1. My water broke on Sunday, 6/24 at 7:15 am. After prompting Marcus to wake up "for real", we arrived at the hospital by 8 am--having had nothing packed until the water broke.

2. After 5 IV start attempts by 3 different nurses and an anesthesiologist, I was prepped for surgery.

3. Colby David Rismiller arrived at 2:12 pm, at 4 lbs 12 oz and 17 3/4" long.
Kinley Grace Rismiller arrived at 2:13 pm, at 4 lbs 2 oz and 16 3/4" long.

4. Both babies were sent to the NICU because they were so small--and I was only 34 weeks pregnant. They've not needed any machines for breathing or eating so far, and just need a little help staying warm (bc they're both scrawny.) They're also receiving IV fluids, but may get to stop them in the next day or so.

5. They are in the not so intense "ISCU", and have remained there since they got moved down from the NICU after only 36 hrs of life.

6. The babies continue to be fantastic, little miracles. The docs and nurses continue to be dumbfounded by their progress--as are their optimistically cautious mommy and daddy. We might be biased, but we think they're the most adorable little people we've ever seen. It's hard to see the differences in photos, but in real life they look very "manly" and "dainty", respectively.

7. It could be anywhere from a week to 7 weeks left in the ISCU for them. I had a terrible time leaving them last night, after I'd been discharged myself--but today was a little easier. We can't WAIT to have them home with us.

8. Thanks for your love and prayers. I'll be sure to post pics ASAP.

Friday, June 15, 2012

a scare, and relief.

So quickly things seem to go from "totally fabulous" to "completely nerve-racking."  That was our day yesterday.  I went in to get IV fluids (like normal) and wasn't feeling amazing, but didn't think I was feeling too bad either.  Upon arrival, my blood pressure was high, my legs were swelling, I'd gained 3 lbs overnight (of fluid), and I was having some sparkly splotches in my vision on occasion.  These are all textbook symptoms of preeclampsia.  Hmmm.  So, immediately my IV nurse in Issaquah called the high-risk OB in Seattle and explained what was going on.  The drew some blood, gave me my IV fluids, and then told me to get to the hospital because there was a chance that I needed to be admitted.  (Like, for the rest of my pregnancy.) 
Marcus and I rushed over to the hospital, thinking that I was doomed.  Well, not DOOMED, but probably about to embark on a journey which included a significant amount of time in the hospital.  They hooked me up to monitors, checked the babies with different monitors, and then told me that my blood work looked pretty much normal.  We waited a little while longer, and then right around 4:30 pm we got to go home.  Not only did we get to go home, we also got to go home NOT ON BED REST.  Yay!!

I had my normally scheduled appointment today, where they checked the growth of the kiddos.  Our little girl has made a surge to catch up with her brother in size, and now just one oz separates the two.  He has slipped to the 27th percentile, and they estimate his weight to be about 4 lbs. 7 oz.  She is holding strong in the 24th percentile, and they think she weighs about 4 lbs. 6 oz.  The doctor said today that if they continue at this growth rate I might just have 5 1/2- 6 lb. babies.  Yay!!  My blood pressure was back to normal, and although I'm getting dizzy a lot--they think it's most likely my blood sugar dropping too low.  The doc was not concerned about the painful contractions that I've been having, and said that it's common to experience those with a twin pregnancy.

I was a little worried about not knowing when I was actually going into labor.  She told me not to worry, that I wouldn't miss it.  She said if I start dropping f-bombs at Marcus, or if I simply couldn't speak during contractions that were happening rhythmically--that would be the sign.  Excellent.  From now until the duo is born, I see the high-risk OB once a week, and have NSTs twice a week. (they hook both babies up to monitors and check their heart rates, while they watch me to see how often and how intense my contractions are.)

Basically, everything that we've been praying for has been answered so far.  We are so excited to meet these little ones, but are SO eager for them to stay in for another few weeks until they are well done. :)

Thanks for your prayers, love, and support...
p.s. Marcus has jury duty beginning 6/26.  Please pray that he is not selected in case I go into labor early.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

non-stop action at 32 1/2 weeks.

The first photo is Marcus and I after our second baby shower in as many days.  We celebrated with 100+ people between the two days this past weekend.  It was tons of fun, but I'm still in the process of recovering.  THANK YOU to our friends and family who made this all happen!!  They were everything we'd hoped they'd be.

This past week my mom came and made ADORABLE crib skirts for both kiddos.  She also made super cute pennants for the window in the nursery.  The nursery is just about finished, and is turning out exactly as I had hoped.  I'll be sure to take and post some pictures once it's all put together.  I've been working on several different craft projects, and I'm almost finished!!
(Hopefully I can get the photos up in the next few days.)

Below is me at 32 1/2 weeks.  All things considered, I'm still doing very well.  I'm starting to swell a bit more, but I think part of that might be due to the fact that it's exhausting to move, so walking around the block in the rain doesn't sound very appealing.  I have acid reflux that seems like it could kill me, and my precious children won't stay out of my ribs.  I'm also not really sleeping.  Oh, and I'm still puking a zillion times a day.  BUT, I'm maintaining my weight--and I'm certain that the kids are growing, because either my belly is growing or ALL OF MY CLOTHES are shrinking. :)
The day that my mom left, my best friend flew in from Indiana.  Aubrie and I have been best buddies since 8th grade, so it was awesome to see her.  She was able to come to both showers, was insanely helpful and gave lots of brilliant mom advice because she's got 3 kids of her own.  Oh, and we also spent a fair amount of time giggling--which is always fun.  I hadn't seen her for a couple of years, which is completely unacceptable.  We'll have to try and do better in the years to come.

Since my last post, I don't really have any formal medical news.  I go to see the OB on Friday.  At that time, they'll do a growth ultrasound on the kiddos (to make sure they are growing bigger, and at a healthy rate).  I'm sure they'll also check on me too.

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come to our showers, and also for all of you who continue to pray for me and these babies.  We are so relieved to have made it this far along in the pregnancy without any real complications, and no bed rest so far.  Just about a month to go...  HOORAY!!  We can't wait to meet these precious little ones.  Thank you, Jesus, for making this all happen so smoothly!!  Amen.

Friday, June 1, 2012

31 weeks.

I had an OB appointment today.  As always, I entered the doctor's office with a huge list of questions, and slight trepidation.  Mostly I was worried that I was going to be thrown into the hospital, or put on bed rest.  That wasn't the case AGAIN!!  Hooray!! I get to attend my baby showers which will be happening next weekend.  AWESOME.

So, here's what is new.
1. We had a surgical consult and there is not a way for them to remove my gastric pacemaker at the same time that they take out the babies.  (this was a little bit of a bummer at first, but once he explained what had to happen to remove the thing, we decided it was definitely for the best.)
2. I've been having a lot more contractions lately.  Sometimes up to 6 an hour.  Apparently in a twin pregnancy, increased contractions are pretty normal.  As long as there are not 8 an hour, I can just be miserable at home, avoiding a phone call and a trip into get checked out.

3. The doctor told me to listen carefully to my body.  I asked if I could keep swimming and walking.  He said that I just needed to do things that felt good and made sense.  He also reminded me that "carrying twins is a workout of it's own."

4. They listened to the babies heartbeats this week with a Doppler.  For the first time, I didn't have an ultrasound.  They'll be doing another growth ultrasound on the duo in two weeks--this is the really long one where they take measurements of both babies and try to estimate how much they weigh using a fancy equation.  They'll have a good idea if they're still growing, and make sure that I look fine.

5. I'm exhausted, and feel like I could die from heartburn in the middle of every night.  The past 3 nights I've had to wake up to puke one or more times.  This is both miserable and exhausting.  The doctor said that this is something that will probably get much worse before it gets better.  Sweet.  He also mentioned that the last month of a twin pregnancy often feels like it lasts a year.  Ugh.

I think that's all I've got to report.  I'm going to include some maternity photos that my friend, Heather Clauson, took back when I was still "cute pregnant"--as opposed to where I am now, "miserably tired pregnant."  I have another couple photos to share, but these are most of my favorites.

And finally, I have surpassed the waistline measurement of Steve-o (my step-dad) officially.  I'm 40.5" around now, as of last night.  We always tell him that he looks like he's going to give birth to twins any minute.  Now, we realize--his belly isn't quite large enough, he'd only have preemie twins I guess.  Ha!!

Thanks for your prayers--we're so thankful for God's faithfulness and for these miracle babies!!