
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sometimes I think I'll have a relaxing day.

Today was my "relaxing" day.  I didn't have to go to any appointments.  My whole plan for the day included a nice walk with a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, followed by a day of rest.  Marcus woke me up with his kisses telling me goodbye as he headed out the door at 7 for work.  I walked out to the living room and looked at my cell phone.  One of our good friends had gone to the ER, reported her husband.  They wanted prayers, and someone to hang out with their kids later.  I told them I was free and happy to help later in the evening.  I got ready, and walked out to the car in the rain to go for my walk.

On the way to the car, I slipped and fell.  It was the same spot that Marcus had fallen yesterday, there must've been some kind of car grease or oil or something.  I fell forward, but didn't hit my big abdomen.  I landed on my hand and my knee, while somehow managing to injure my big toe also.   I was pretty shaken up, and a little freaked out--but really relieved that I hadn't hit my belly on anything.  I called Marcus at work because I was concerned about the fact that I couldn't feel my pinkie or thumb on one hand, and that my toe was completely numb on one foot.  He was work, though, and didn't get my message right away.

I headed to my coffee date, and was pretty much fine by the time I drove down the road.  I was still worried about my hand and foot, but figured that if anything was broken it would get worse.  I hugged my friend that I hadn't seen in a while, and she noticed that my belly was really hard--like a rock.  I didn't feel anything, but figured I'd check again in a little bit.  It had gotten hard again.

Marcus was worried, called me back and insisted that I call the OB doctor.  I talked to the triage nurse and asked if she thought I needed to be concerned.  She called back and said the doctor wanted me to come in and get checked out on the fetal monitors.  So, I drove downtown to the hospital and got hooked up to machines.  Both of the babies heart rates were in the normal range for 26 weeks, and the contractions that I was having were not productive, they were more "irritable cramping".  Apparently that's common in some twin pregnancies.  Who knew?!  So, all 3 of us were fine.  What a relief!

Meanwhile, my friend was having an emergency appendectomy.  I was going to try and help out with the kiddos, but didn't know if I'd be out of my own doctor's appt in time.  Ugh.  Her surgery went well.  Her husband was able to stay home from work, and she even got to go home with him because she was recovering so well that same day.  What another relief!  Thank you, Jesus!

I was relieved of my childcare duties, and headed home myself.  I was exhausted from the stress.  I was tired from all of the activity and the uncertainty of the day.  And mostly I was hungry.  I ate a lot of garlic bread tonight.  I'm not sure why that was the best food ever invented today, but it was.  Perhaps there are some restorative health properties in garlic?  Or maybe it was just a comfort to take the warm, butter-slathered bread from the oven and savor each bite from the comfort of my la-z-boy recliner?  Regardless, I'm glad this "relaxing" day is coming to an end.  I can't wait for bed.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The vastly expanding belly. 25 1/2 weeks.

It's Marcus' birthday tomorrow! This is us at his parent's house.

Friday, April 20, 2012

a baby update...or two.

The babies (& their mommy) are doing well. We had a growth ultrasound yesterday, which basically means that they measure all their little bones, their heads, their tummies--and I have to lay still forever. With all of the information they collect, they can estimate the babies' weight.

Right now they are:
Boy: 1 lb. 11 oz. and in the 47th percentile.
Girl: 1 lb. 10 oz. and in the 29th percentile.

All of their important organs look great (heart, brain, etc) and there is not much else to report on that front. :) We are so happy that they are both growing so well.

I'm still gaining weight (hooray!!) and may even get close to the 45-60 lbs that the docs were hoping I could put on. I'm about up 25 lbs. right now, and the doctors are thrilled. I tried to do the glucose challenge test yesterday, where they check for diabetes--but I puked the drink after half an hour, so they couldn't do the blood test. They sent me home with a glucometer instead, and I'm supposed to measure my glucose levels 4 times a day for 3 days. So far, I haven't had a reading over 91 (which it should be when I'm fasting)--I might have other issues, but I'm pretty sure we can rule out diabetes. I still have 2 more days to go.

I still have a placenta previa, but it seems like it might be better by the time the babies are born. They are doing some blood work today to check on my iron and thyroid. I'll keep you posted on those.

All in all, I'm feeling mostly good and we are getting really excited for them to be born! We are almost done unpacking, and just need to hang pictures on the wall, and then finish the nursery.

Sending love and hugs to you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

feeding tube dieting? seriously?!?

I'm not often compelled to rant about current events or things that I see going on in the world. Today is different. There was a news story this evening about women using feeding tubes to lose weight quickly so that they can fit into their wedding dresses. SERIOUSLY?!? While I appreciate them drawing attention to the fact that feeding tubes exist, I find it wholeheartedly disturbing that any physician would allow such a horrible thing (which is indeed life-sustaining for people who need it), but it seems that it's being used incorrectly, somehow scoffing at those who rely on it for real nutrition.

An NG tube (the kind that goes up your nose and into your stomach) is painful in itself. It hurts when they put it in, and it hurts while it's in there. It even hurts when they take it out. It sits like a lump in the back of your throat that you just can't swallow. Nutritious fluid is dripped into it, landing in your stomach--and apparently keeping a dieting person from being hungry. I not only hated having one in, but I also threw up the fluid that was being dripped in anyway, so never got to experience the "not hungry" part.

Instead of making healthy food choices & getting more exercise, people have opted for an NG tube?!?

I'm completely disgusted that THIS is what our world has come to. Being thin has become so important in our society, and the wedding industry has become so vast that women are going through medical procedures just so that they can fit into their "ideal" image of a bride.


Tonight my prayer is that women (girls, teens, and my little growing girl) can realize WHO they are and WHOSE they are. I pray that they know they are loved, they are beautiful, and that no matter what size they are--their hearts are so much more important than what their bodies look like. Each one of them has been created individually and they are each gifted, prized, and capable of changing the world just by walking out who they are called to be.

And none of that requires a feeding tube. (unless you're actually sick.)

Monday, April 9, 2012

We have arrived.

My latest prego photo. 23 1/2 weeks and outside of our Sammamish condo. Our house is behind me and the pretty trees.

Monday, April 2, 2012

acceptable pregnancy fashion?

5 1/2 months. That's how far I've made it so far without having to be in the hospital... YAY!
We're also moving on Saturday, 4/7 back to Sammamish--and I'm so excited.

And now for a little comic relief:
I had my first fashion crisis on Sunday. I'd gotten most of my shoes packed for the big move coming up this weekend. I also really wanted to wear a new skirt, rather than one of the two pairs of pants that I've been wearing every. single. day. So, I put on the new skirt, and then couldn't figure out what shoes to wear. I opted for my cute, brown boots. With my skirt & boots, I had chosen a white tank with a navy blue and white cardigan sweater. The sweater was not a maternity one, and I had it buttoned at first. I decided it looked a little dumb, so I unbuttoned the bottom few buttons, letting it rest to the sides of my belly so it wasn't noticeably too short. This alone took several minutes, and several conversations with Marcus about whether it was okay to even wear the sweater at all.

Finally I was dressed, but looked in the mirror, and felt that I needed to pick up the brown leather from my boots somewhere else in the outfit. A belt!! Of course!! Why hadn't I thought of this earlier?! The first belt I selected from the pile was about 3 inches too short. Hmm. Perhaps a different one?

So I found a belt that was long enough, buckled it, and then asked Marcus, "Do I look cute?"
He responded, "I'm not sure. I don't know what the pregnancy fashion rules are."
Honest? Sure. But not helpful.

So I rebuttoned and then unbuttoned the cardigan. I took the belt off and put it back on. I tried two different colors of Tom's shoes, and then put the leather boots back on. I tried on boot socks, then no boot socks. And then I asked again, "Marcus, is this cute?"

He shrugged his shoulders. I blinked back the tears. "I guess I'll just go. And if I look ridiculous, hopefully Rachel (my roomie from college) will tell me before we're there too long."
"Why can't you just affirm me?" I continued, making my way to the car.
"You look beautiful, honey. And I'm so proud of you for carrying two babies at once. I just don't know if the belt is an acceptable fashion risk."
"You just think I look FAT."
"No, I think you look pregnant."

After church, two different friends came up to me..."Your outfit is SO CUTE today."

And now we know, the belt is acceptable during pregnancy. Even if you're having twins.