
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

oh, bile ducts

After much anticipation this past week, as I waited anxiously for the doctor's call, I finally received it last night.

The good news is that I don't have hepatitis or any other auto-immune diseases that he checked me for.

The bad news is that my bile duct is very inflamed, and this could be caused by a stone, or "sludge" that's built up in the duct. This is most likely the cause of my elevated liver enzymes and could possibly be causing my increased symptoms of late (like more nausea, vomiting, and abd. pain.)

The way that they fix this, as well as gather more information about the source of the problem is by performing an ERCP. I am including the actual name of the procedure, because I believe it's the largest word I've ever seen (except for floccinaucinihilipilification--which is a word that I learned to spell in order to avoid running 3 miles at soccer practice when my scientist coach gave us the challenge). Anyway, the actual name of the ERCP is...

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography.

Exciting, huh?
If you'd like to read more about this procedure, here is a link:

I'm calling the doctor this morning when they open, and will hopefully be able to schedule the procedure before Christmas.

I'm also trying desperately to get my Christmas cards out before then. :) I made cute home-made ones. Let's see if they make it to the post office.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh Brelin, if it is an issue with your bile ducts it certainly is painful. I've had the procedure that you will have done. I thought it would be horrible, but it was actually pretty easy. IV meds and you won't remember a thing. :-) I pray that this is part of what is making you so miserable as when they can get them cleaned up, you are bound to feel much better.