
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

seeded grapes

I've done this twice now in the past few months. I go to Costco, and wander through the fruit section, hoping to be inspired. I discover a diamond in the rough (or so I think) when I stumble upon beautifully large perfect-looking red grapes. I get them home, wash them, and am so eager to eat them that I totally do not read the label--until it's too late. I'm chewing, I'm chewing, and crunch. There should be nothing crunchy about my fabulous grape experience... and yet? "Seeded grapes." The package says. Hmph. Why do they even sell them that way anymore? They should actually label them "high-maintenance grapes". Fortunately, I do not have a job--thus plenty of time to remove the seeds from each grape in the four pound container that I just purchased to save money.

While I'm ranting on ridiculous things, can we please discuss the term "sunbreaks." This is a purely Seattle phenomenon, which I do not appreciate at all. Why don't they just tell you that it's going to rain on and off all day long? Honestly.

My pain is pretty bad today, but nothing I can't live through... I trust that God is hearing the loud cries of my heart tonight, as I beg for healing again and again. Shoot, if He can give Brett Michaels from Poison a second chance at life, He can totally heal me. :)


MelissaS said...

Okay, that Bret Michaels reference had me laughing too hard--I can't keep quiet anymore.
This is Melissa Brown from good ol' HHS. I found your blog through Aubrie's awhile back.
I am so sorry about all this never ending medical stuff you are going through (do I remember correctly that you said it started in HS? I had no idea!)! I am so impressed by your faith and perseverance. You and your husband are definitely remembered in my prayers.
PS// I HATE seeded grapes, too. Such a waste of time.

Unknown said...

Funniest thing I have read all day today. Thanks Bre! Love you tons! Seeded grapes are stinky. Are you really de-seeding your grapes prior to eating them? lol

Oh and Hi Mel!