
Sunday, November 29, 2009

i'm thankful for...

Marcus and I decided early in our marriage that we would share the things we are thankful for early in the morning on Thanksgiving day.

Here's my list this year:
1. WELCOME BREAKS FROM THE NORM. I'm thankful for the months of July and September. JULY because it was a unexpected break from the vomiting and pain. I was able to run, jump, play, frolic and giggle with boundless amounts of energy. The time spent with Marcus was a reminder of why we married each other... it was not about sickness and pain, instead about being silly and cherishing each moment of adventure together. And I'm thankful for September because it was a fabulous month of weather in Seattle. Normally, we're heading into fall... which means a downward spiral into rain and gloom. However, this year September was filled with 8o degree weather and sunshine. It was glorious. :)

2. FAMILY. I'm thankful for Andy & Alyssa's engagement (yay!), for Sarah and her adventures of self-discovery, for Alyson & Rich that we can have fun even when we haven't hung out in a year. For my parents (all of them: Mark & Jane, Steve & Karen, Jim & Carol) that they're willing to share their advice when asked, to cheer us on in the midst of struggles and joyous times too, and for the endless amounts of love pour that they pour into our lives. I'm also thankful for all the Johnson's, Weakley's, and Rismiller's that we have so much fun together and that we all get along so well. :)

3. JOY. I'm thankful for the gift of JOY in the midst of struggle and suffering. This is a gift that comes from God alone, and He gives me the strength to get through even the most difficult days with laughter. It is amazing to be loved by a God who cares so deeply for me, and showers me with blessings of all kinds--strength, hope, and at times, healing. I know that He continues to heal my spirit each day, breathing new life into my broken body.

4. HOT FIREMAN. I'm thankful for my hot fireman, Marcus, who loves me more deeply each day, and truly embodies Christ's love to me. I love our wild adventures, our laughter, and that when I am too weak to walk on my own--Marcus lovingly picks me up and carries me. He comforts me when I am hurting, and prays for me when I need a reminder to reach out to the One who is the ultimate Healer. He is such an amazing man, and I love him sooooo much.

5. FRIENDS. I'm really thankful for my girl friends this year... for the ones who laugh with me and play with me even when I'm not feeling great. I'm thankful that I can cancel plans at the last minute, and they totally understand. I'm thankful that I don't have to "pretend" to be feeling good around them when I'm not. Thanks for loving me you guys, and I love you all too!! :)

6. MY GI DOCTOR. I'm also really thankful for my gastroenterologist, Dr. Schneier. I love that he never gives up on me, listens to me and my struggles, and always has something new to try.

This leads me to a brief medical update.... On Tuesday, I'll be going in for a botox injection in my guts. They do this during an endoscopy. The hope is that the botox injection will relax my intestines and stomach, causing the spasming to stop (and my abdominal pain to be lessened or relieved completely.) Hopefully that will decrease the amount of vomiting that is taking place as well. I've also started drinking Aloe Vera juice, which is supposed to help with my mast cells. One side note: aloe vera juice is disgusting, bitter, and generally pretty awful...(you can even taste its nasty flavor through orange juice!) but I suppose if it helps, I'll come around to the flavor.

Hugs and love to you all.

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