
Sunday, November 16, 2008

sweet! and not so sweet...

Hi All,

So, I've got good news and bad news. Which would you like first? I always like to get the bad news out of the way first, and then be pleasantly suprised at the end... so here it goes.

The bad news.
I am not going to be able to go back to work at Sammamish Hills Church after all. It seems that there is no money to add a new staff position, and some nasty black mold that had to get removed from the building has drained the budget more than they'd hoped it would... Thus, no "bring brelin back" campaign, because they have to get their budget fixed first. While I am extremely bummed about this, I continue to trust that God has a plan. It seems that I currently have no idea what that plan is, but am eager and happily waiting to find out what it might be.

The good news.
I am feeling called to Chaplaincy at a Children's Hospital, and am learning more and more what that entails. At this moment, I believe it means that I, Brelin Rismiller, will be headed to seminary sometime soon. I am continuing to grapple with what that really means, as I would be Pastor Brelin at the end of it all. It freaks me out a little bit, but I am both eager and excited to discern more about what God's call really is. So, the reason that I'm writing is so that you all can be praying for me to know what God's will is in all this. Please pray specifically that I follow His call above all else, and that He'll make it painstakingly obvious if this is not the direction that I am called to go.

The other good news.
I am healthy! I was able to run 5 miles today in the beautiful fall sunshine. I am enjoying this fall with new insight and appreciation for the beauty that is all around me. I am so thankful for each breath that I take, for each beat of my heart, and that I'm no longer attached to life-sustaining tubes of any kind. I have no picc lines, no blood clots, no feeding tubes, no shots, and just one medicine (and a lot of vitamins!) I got my tube out exactly 14 months from the first day I started vomiting... and I am thrilled for the drastic progress that has taken place since surgery on July 23rd--I am also completely thankful for all of your prayers.

The best good news.
I am currently in LOVE with this passage from Psalm 37.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, and the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."

Waiting patiently, (as best I can.)


Weakley said...

i hope you go to seminary, and i am excited to see you on friday!

and, i should not wear ensembles with horizontal stripes. that decision is final.

Andy (and Heather) said... HAVE to come to Bethel Seminary. That way we can see each other all the time! You can do the program I am and not even have to move to MN. Not that I am banking on that or anything.

joy said...

Good lord, I couldn't run 5 miles even if I had been healthy for the past 5 YEARS. props to you, and I hope your recovery continues to be successful.