
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

tuesday morning

So, I threw up my dinner on Sunday night also. I'm not really enjoying this trend. But last night, I got really nauseated--and then didn't throw up, so I take that as being a good sign.

Still no job news to report. But I will be sure to keep you all posted. I am expecting to hear something in the next couple of days.... so keep reading, you faithful bloggers. :)

We had the entire Rismiller family over for a festive gathering the other day... we were supposed to go swimming but it was a winter wonderland instead, so we mostly stayed inside. We were a little squished in our humble abode, but overall, it was really fun to see everyone. We decided that it was a "celebrate Brelin eating party". Yay!! Our friends, Abby, Aaron, & Kenzi came over too--and they always add super fun adventures to every shindig. :)

Marcus and I have slowed down on our crazy adventures the last couple of days. I attribute this to the freezing cold temperatures, pouring rain, and ridiculous cloud cover that seem to have taken over outside. I really love Marcus, and I'm glad that he really loves his job, but I really miss living where there is no sunshine. I'm sure many of my other fellow eastern WA friends will appreciate the lack of sunshine piece. I think I'm going to invest in a "happy light." This is some light that you can buy from the store that gives you the proper amount of natural light, so that you don't shrivel up and get prune fingers like when you sit in the bath tub too long when you're little. (just kidding, I made that part up.) Seriously though, I was reading in a medical journal at the doctor's office that people from the Seattle area actually suffer from a vitamin D deficiency from not getting enough sunlight. I'm sure my happy light will get plenty of use over the next 30 years until Marcus retires and we can move somewhere sunny. Tee hee!! :)

Okay, that's all for me.
Hugs and love.

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