
Thursday, October 17, 2013

fallen off the deep end...

Although I have fallen off the deep end in my blog posting, it is not because a million new things have not happened in our lives. 

The kids continue to grow and change each day.  Each time I think about updating the blog, the task seems daunting, and I put it off... until tomorrow.

Sadly, I just haven't made time.  UNTIL NOW. 

I'll try to be better about just posting the funny little quips of the day.  Perhaps I can do it.  Perhaps not.  I'll give it a go.

1. A couple of weeks ago, the kids had a stomach virus.  It also caused them to wake up a kazillion times per night, which caused me to wake up a kazillion times per night also.  One afternoon, I leaned down to "smell" buns.  I smelled Colby's buns... I smelled Kinley's buns... then I leaned down and checked the plastic ride-on dinosaur.  He was not poopy--thank goodness.  Clearly, I needed a nap.

2. My health is rather poor currently.  I am seeing a new doctor, a primary care physician who ran some much-needed blood work.  I am deficient in a bunch of vitamins.  (potassium, zinc, b6, b12, b-some more numbers, DHEA, and something else that I can't remember right now.)  He put me on a bunch of supplements and will re-check my blood work in 6 weeks.

3. The kids are growing like crazy.  Well, they're not growing that much, I guess--but they're changing like crazy.  They're getting all kinds of new words each day, many of them only I can understand. :)  They've gone from walking to running, and they're totally toddlers now.  They eat with us at the table, no longer in their high chairs, and want to use their spoons and forks at most meals (albeit unsuccessfully)  They are also adorable.  My days are filed with laughter, Little People, stories, songs about the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If You're Happy &You Know It, tears, poopy pants, fighting over the 'best' shaker during dance time, walks around the block, and playing in the yard.
Below are a few of my favorite photos since I've posted last. 
Our First Mariner's Game vs. The Twins (how ironic)

C at the park with Daddy

K at the park with Daddy

Thanks for the cool onesies, Bill!

We look RAD.

We love reading while mommy jogs.  We also eat a lot of graham crackers.

Secret Agent Colby

Kinley at the Picnic Table

Colby at Toddler time

All of us before Toddler Time

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