
Saturday, February 2, 2013

reflecting...and a prayer request.

It's so weird that it's 2013.  And that I'm still throwing up.  And that I'm still alive.  And that I've got two beautiful, healthy babies whom I adore.  And that God provides enough strength to care for these two each day (and night).

I am so blessed.

by giggles and joy.

by adoring eyes and tender snuggles.

by silly babbling and smiling faces.

by tears that run dry in my arms, simply by my love and God's love that flows through me to them.

to have an amazing husband who cares for the babies when I can't...and rarely complains about it. 

to have a loving man who still takes me on adventures and only gets frustrated with me when my puke baggie explodes all over his favorite pants as he's cleaning out the car.  (sorry honey.)

to have a warm home to play, laugh, and love in.

to have a spirit of perseverance that can only come from God--a dependence on the Holy Spirit that is such a gift--and joy that abounds only because Christ provides it daily.

I am so blessed.

And my prayer request:
My teeth are getting ruined.  And there is nothing more that the dentist can do.  And there is nothing more that I can do--unless I stop throwing up.  So, I need you all to pray for them.  That they can be restored.  Miraculously.

thanks.  and amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

missing you my dear friend, praying for you and that beautiful family of yours.
