
Friday, May 25, 2012

30 weeks

The good news is that I've made it to 30 weeks. That means just 6-8 more weeks of pregnancy fun before they pull these babies out.

I have arrived at the "everything hurts, is uncomfortable and exhausting" phase of twin pregnancy. I'm not complaining, I'm just announcing.

Most days it's still pretty funny. For example, I was talking on the phone to my mom the other day.
She asked, "What are you doing? Laundry? Dishes? Cleaning the bathrooms?"
"Nope," I laughed, "I just made some juice, poured it into a glass and then sat back down."
"Hmm. With all the moaning and groaning you were doing I thought you were moving furniture or something."

My belly is big. I think it looks even bigger in person than it does in this photo. Another new pregnancy joy is that the dynamic duo's movements now look like there are aliens trying to explode from my abdomen.

I'm not having any real complications still. I'm maintaining my new regimen of IV fluids and that has cut the swelling. My liver is doing well--my albumin and something else were a little low--but nothing alarming or anything the docs need to do anything about.

I'm looking forward to a sunny Seattle weekend. :) yay!!
Lots of love, Brelin

Friday, May 18, 2012

Feeling groovy

So, it's been a while since my last post...Things have been going okay for the most part. I'm still throwing up a lot, but I seem to be keeping fluids down pretty well. As per the doctor's orders, I've gone down to twice a week for fluids (or 3 times per week with just 1 L going in at a time). They are changing the type of fluid that I get, because I'm still having trouble with swelling.

They're switching me to lactated ringers instead of normal saline. This cuts down the amount of sodium and increases my potassium. Today will be my first infusion of that, so I'll be sure to let you know how that goes.

As for the dynamic duo... They are super active!! They often wait until I'm laying down or sitting really still before they start their aerobic workouts. It's awesome that they are active, it just worries us a little what they might be like when they are no longer contained in my belly. :)

They're growing!! The boy is in the 51st percentile for growth and the girl is in the 25th percentile. Hooray!! He is about 3 lbs 2 oz and she is about 2 lbs 13 oz. The doctor said they are both in the normal range and that the size discrepancy is nothing to worry about.

My placenta previa is totally better! Wahoo! And the doctors are not concerned about anything else having to do with me. He mentioned that the kids are getting everything they need (sucking it all from me) in spite of my lack of nutritional disastrousness. (As the doctor said today, you look much better in person than you do on paper!)

I think that's all to report! We are so thankful that this pregnancy (and these babies) continue to be a miracle!

Love b

Monday, May 7, 2012

swollen legs and comic relief

It's been a bit of an adventure, as I am sure that all pregnancies are.  My mother, when she saw me announced that I look "as big as a house."  She and Marcus conspired against me too, and decided that I have the "pregnant lady waddle."  I guess that's all okay--I've got just 9 weeks to go until I hit 36 weeks.  Average twin pregnancies go to 35 weeks. I hoped to give our kids an extra week in the womb.  By then, I should be as big as a skyscraper--so I think I'll be happy to see them on the outside. :)
Me at 27 weeks

Last week, I developed some interesting swelling in my legs.  I know that a certain amount of swelling is normal, but mine was sudden onset and very painful.  My blood pressure also shot up.  All not awesome.  The doctor told me to slow down on my IV fluids and see if that did anything.  I'm also supposed to wear compression stockings on the days that I get my fluids to see if that will help.   The docs were a bit worried about toxemia (infection in the blood), but by the time I got to the doctor (a couple of days later) the swelling and gone down and my blood pressure was back to my normal.  My BP wasn't actually ever "high", it was just high for me.  So, I'm following directions and doing just as the doctor says.  The doc encouraged me to keep swimming and walking when I feel up to it. I'm also trying to up my intake of fluids orally so that I won't miss the extra 2 liters of fluids I was getting IV.  We'll see how it goes.

I had lots of fun at a wedding this weekend.  I got to help decorate and do the flower arrangements.  I LOVE that stuff.  It was nice to be able to use my gifts to help out a friend.  The ceremony was beautiful and the reception space was awesome.  Yay team. :)

And now, a little comic relief from my life:
I was walking down the street about a week ago, and was suddenly assaulted by honking, waving teenage boys hanging out their windows cheering for me.  I looked around, realized I was alone on the street, and their misguided affections were for me.  I was slightly grossed out, and thought, "can't they tell I'm gigantically pregnant?!?"
I was reiterating the story to Marcus and he asked, "Was the car coming AT you?  Or were they approaching you from the BACK?" 
I thought for a second, and then realized that the yelling boys had only hooted and hollered from the BACK, until they must've realized their horrible mistake.
Marcus said, "Yeah.  You still don't really look pregnant from behind."
We laughed.
I guess it's nice to know that I've still "got it" from one direction anyway. :)

And then yesterday, my mom and I went to the mall.  As we're walking through the doors, a different group of teenage boys was going out.  After they all did a lot of head nodding and "how you doin'" smiles, the last (and clearly the most observant) boy exclaims, "OH MY GOSH!! THAT GIRL IS TOTALLY PREGNANT!!"  Yes, I thought, and about 15 years too old for you. 
I'm not sure how the first 5 boys that walked through the door didn't notice, but it does frighten me a little to know that they are operating motor vehicles.  HA!

I think those are all of my funny stories for today.
Have a wonderful week!