
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

hope and a future

Well, overall things are going well. My weight was up 3 lbs (!!!) since two weeks ago when I went to the doctor on Monday. They were very impressed. They do a quick ultrasound each appointment to make sure that the babies are still moving and shaking in there. On the ultrasound, BOTH babies were dancing this time. They kept poking the other one through the little membrane that is separating them. They are each in their own sac, but are having a good time playing together anyway. :)

However, I came down with a horrific cold on Sunday night. I have been miserable--not able to breathe, ears hurting, eyes leaking tears from the pressure in my head, horrible headache, cough, inordinate amounts of mucus, and seriously increased nausea. The end result? I've lost all my new pounds. My IV therapy nurse told me not to be discouraged--that once I start feeling better that everything will be okay. And she reassured me that the babies are still growing and getting what they not to worry about that.

So, I'm trying not to be frustrated. I'm laying on the couch a lot, and looking forward to being able to breathe sometime soon.

I've been able to see my Young Life girls more often than normal...since we've been doing our group meetings during the day instead of at night. It's been so fun to watch them grow in their faith lives. I'm looking forward to hearing one of them share their faith story on Friday night at the annual YL Banquet. My mom is going to join me, and that should be a fun adventure too.

I'm so thrilled to see God is still using me, even when I feel like I'm not doing anything good for anyone. Life with chronic illness sometimes seems selfish--I'm forced to spend so much time on myself, making sure that I stay healthy--that it's easy to lose sight of the fact that God is doing mighty things IN me, and that others can see Him at work through me in spite of me.

My friend shared this with me, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

I love that verse. It's such a good reminder that God's in control--and that His perfect plan is being revealed to me one tiny piece at a time. He's blessing me with prosperity, hope, and an amazing future. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Michelle G said...

"even when I feel like I'm not doing anything good for anyone"???

Brelin, you are growing two lives inside of you! You are a mother, wife, daughter, friend, and a bright spot in all of our lives. You are "doing" more than you know my dear. Taking care of yourself enables all of us to enjoy having you in our lives and is in no way selfish; it is necessary. Think of what you would want for your little ones. A healthy mommy has to be on the top of that list.