
Thursday, May 27, 2010

the doctor. key scary, dramatic music...

For those of you who know me well, I don't really call the doctor. I figure they've pretty much exhausted their treatment options, so I just don't call them to bother them every day to let them know that I'm still vomiting. However, when my pain is ridiculously out of control, when I'm not keeping fluids down well, or when I find myself having trouble walking to bed because it hurts so bad: I realize it's time to bother the physician.

So, I called the doctor on Monday, and they squeezed me in on Tuesday. Again, I don't often call--so when I do call, the nice nurse takes a message about what's going on--and then they immediately call me back and fit me in.

On Tuesday at the doctor's office, I repeated my story to him about what was going on with me health-wise, and he told me that he'd like to admit me to the hospital for "tinkering". He said that I could wait until after the long weekend if I wanted, since I probably already have plans. I was happy to wait until next week to roll into Stevens Hospital, so that I could have fun this weekend. :) While I'm in the hospital, they plan to insert another picc line, and feed me TPN through my arm. This will allow me to get good nutrition. (YAY!) Please pray specifically that I tolerate this well, and that it does not cause my liver enzymes to elevate.

Additionally, they are putting my bowels to rest. He's planning to dope me up with muscle relaxants and pain meds, so that hopefully my pain will stop and the spasming will cease. He'll also do something to my stomach so that hopefully I won't vomit just straight stomach acid like I have been lately. I suspect I'll be in there for about a week.

To hold me over until the hospital admission, he filled with me 2 liters of fluids and IV nausea meds. Aaahhhhhh. This always helps me feel like a whole new woman. :)

I'll be sure to try and update this more regularly to keep you up to date on what's going on. I'm headed to the Tri-Cities for my cousin's wedding this weekend, my nephew's birthday party on Monday, and then I'll probably be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday morning.

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. I'll let you know how things are going once I'm in. :)

"he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistance... pray in this way too." -paraphrase of luke 11. This is the verse that I'm holding onto right now. I KNOW that God is hearing all of our prayers, and I'm waiting for my miraculous healing. It's probably going to be any minute. :)

Hugs and love to all!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

seeded grapes

I've done this twice now in the past few months. I go to Costco, and wander through the fruit section, hoping to be inspired. I discover a diamond in the rough (or so I think) when I stumble upon beautifully large perfect-looking red grapes. I get them home, wash them, and am so eager to eat them that I totally do not read the label--until it's too late. I'm chewing, I'm chewing, and crunch. There should be nothing crunchy about my fabulous grape experience... and yet? "Seeded grapes." The package says. Hmph. Why do they even sell them that way anymore? They should actually label them "high-maintenance grapes". Fortunately, I do not have a job--thus plenty of time to remove the seeds from each grape in the four pound container that I just purchased to save money.

While I'm ranting on ridiculous things, can we please discuss the term "sunbreaks." This is a purely Seattle phenomenon, which I do not appreciate at all. Why don't they just tell you that it's going to rain on and off all day long? Honestly.

My pain is pretty bad today, but nothing I can't live through... I trust that God is hearing the loud cries of my heart tonight, as I beg for healing again and again. Shoot, if He can give Brett Michaels from Poison a second chance at life, He can totally heal me. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

no more patience...please?

Lately, I've been praying for patience. I feel like I've needed extra patience with friends, family, and especially patience while I'm waiting. Waiting for my health to be restored...waiting to start a family with children...waiting for the housing market to improve so we can sell our condo...waiting for summer and sunshine to play in....waiting to feel better...waiting for so many things.

I've decided, however, that I'm tired of asking God for patience. If I quit praying for patience does that mean that I won't have to be patient in those situations anymore?! It seems sort of reasonable, right? I'll let you know how that goes. :)

Last weekend, I got to spend some quality time with my really good girl friends from WSU. There is nothing more amazing then reuniting giggly girls, and just celebrating life now (and then too.) Needless to say, it was a blast. I'm so thankful for you all, and hope we can make another hot date happen soon!! :)

This past week Marcus and I joined a new gym that they recently built in Issaquah. Marcus has been itching to get out of the YMCA for a while just because it's small and the pool is too hot, so this transition made sense for us. While I have been working out for a long time and know my way around the gym, I find this place incredibly intimidating. It is like the "land of beautiful people with big muscles." Everyone is checking every one else out; there are muscles exploding out of the tiny shreds of clothing people are wearing, and everyone seems to have their hair perfectly coiffed while they're running 10 miles without breaking a sweat. It is the epitome of the "plateau" experience. I sort of feel like I have to put makeup on to go to work out. Oh, and buy new workout clothes. I'm not sure if I can handle this. I have until Friday to make my decision...I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Beyond that, not much is new. I'm still puking my brains out. I eat, then vomit. I drink, then vomit. I do neither, and vomit anyway. It's quite annoying, and takes lots of energy. I feel like sometimes people think I don't do anything all day. Sometimes I feel like I don't do anything all day too. But I really do something every day, even when I don't leave the house. It just entails emptying a metal puke bowl about 10 times a day. Ugh.

Normally, when I close, I would ask that you pray for patience. This week, though, I ask that you pray we don't have to be patient anymore. About anything.
