
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a miracle? oh, and don't drink the water.

I wanted to start off by saying that I absolutely believe in miracles. I think that one might have happened last week. :)

Marcus and I went on a fabulous backpacking/biking/hiking adventure that was a little strenuous and ridiculously exhausting. I threw up all the way there, all 4 miles on my mountain bike, and then the rest of the 3 mile hike into the camping area. Once we got there, we arrived to signage that said, "don't drink the water here. due to mining, the water contains heavy metals, and is unsafe to drink, even after boiling." Well, we were camping there for two nights and could not go without drinking water for 3 days, so we drank the boiled water anyway. We arrived back home on Sunday night. (Marcus is fine just for the record, and I didn't throw up any more than normal.)

Then, miraculously on Tuesday, I suddenly stopped vomiting. Why, you ask? A miracle. God healed me. There is nothing else that I have done differently. I have not been eating anything abnormal, nor have I changed any medications, I have simply stopped vomiting. So, either God healed me miraculously overnight, or perhaps He used the "heavy metal" water to do the trick. Regardless, I have been 7 days now without vomiting! Let me repeat myself.... SEVEN DAYS WITHOUT VOMITING SO FAR!! It is a miracle. I am feeling so good, that I have been able to stop taking my nausea medications completely except one pill in the morning, so I am not sleepy or experiencing the yucky side effects from the meds at the moment.

At the moment, I'm eating regular foods.... even some meat, dairy, grains, fruits, and veggies. I've got all kinds of energy because I'm actually digesting! :) My pain is substantially less than it has been in a couple of years, and I am honestly feeling terrific!! Please pray that this continues indefinitely!!

Thank you God for all of the healing that has taken place in the past week... and I humbly ask that it continue forever. Please Lord, let the vomiting be done forever!! Help me to trust you implicitly, and not to take even one moment of health for granted. Thank you for the joy of this day, and for the healing that has already taken place.

In Your Awesome Name,

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Brelin that is AWESOME! I am so happy to hear that you are doing incredible and not vomiting! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you~consequently, I will be back in the Seattle area around the 7-9 so maybe we can get together then and celebrate you still not vomiting!!