
Thursday, May 21, 2009

home again, home again jiggity jig

here's a funny little story from my life...
i was freaking out about money to Marcus a couple of weeks ago, so I told him that I was going to return to substitute teaching. I thought I would just do a "half-day"--and it would be no big deal. Please keep in mind, I'm still not consistently keeping solid food down, so my energy level isn't exactly "super." Anyway, I got a last minute phone call, and accepted a full-day job in the 4th grade. I didn't actually mean to take the job, I was honestly flustered, and took it on accident. By the time I hung up the phone, the damage was done, and I was headed to the 4th grade. :) Fortunately, I hadn't taken the meds that make me dizzy, so I gulped down some gatorade, and prayed for the best. The kids in the class were awesome, and I made it through the day with flying colors, (except for when I struggled trying to figure out the 4th grade math problem--don't worry, I got it .)

beyond that, not much is going on with us. my health is not much improved. i'm still doing well with liquids. i'm doing ok with solids sometimes. i throw up most days, several times a day--unless i don't eat anything at all. i do better when i medicate myself heavily, but i don't like to take them because i'm not able to drive, and my brain doesn't work as quickly as i'd like it to.

it's super sunny and warm in seattle--which makes everything a little more bearable. i'm in love with the verse from 1 thes. 5:16. it's 3 words long. i think i might get it tatooed somewhere on my body. ALWAYS BE JOYFUL. i'm clinging to these words this week, as i hold on to the promise of God's faithfulness while i keep up my hope for complete healing.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

no news is good news

I'm doing a bit better. The meds that I'm on have seemed to stabilize me enough for me to keep fluids down regularly, and I'm managing to keep really bland food down pretty consistently now too. Toast is my new best friend. In fact, I'm not sure I really eat much besides that. I'm sliding in some cooked veggies on occassion, and those are a delicious treat. I'm also enjoying applesauce, and cups of tea. :)

I have a lot more energy than I did a couple of weeks ago, but still take naps almost every day. My meds make me tired, and a little dizzy when I am quick to rise, but those symptoms are manageable. I have two big goals for the summer: 1. Stay out of the hospital. 2. Remain unconnected to tubes of any kind. This includes: picc lines, J-tubes, NG-tubes, catheters, IVs, etc. I feel like these goals are really attainable.... and trust me, I've got my eye on the prize. :)

My little sis flies in from South Carolina today. I can't wait to see her! My bro is graduating from U of Idaho this weekend, and we're all in for some serious family fun!! :) It should be terrific! I'm so proud of both of them!

Please pray for peace as I wait on the Lord again (still) for healing. I'm anxious to have more energy again.

Hugs and love,