
Friday, January 16, 2009

still doing awesome

So, I was just talking to a friend on the phone, trying to update them on all the fun in my life... and at the end of the conversation, I figured I had probably update my blog, so that you ALL can be aware of the great things happening!! :)

I continue to be fabulous health-wise. I have been able to stay off all of my meds since sometime in Oct/Nov, and am still feeling wonderful! I have a couple of bouts of vomiting per week, but it's nothing major, and certainly nothing that I can't deal with!

Marcus and I have season passes to Crystal Mountain, and I'm enjoying snowboarding and learning to ski. We've been there 7 times already this season, and are having an absolute blast. Yesterday, while Sammamish was in an angry cloud of darkness and gloom, we were enjoying the summit at Crystal, which was perfectly clear, sunny, and had glorious views of Mt. Rainier. Oh, and did I mention it was warm too? THANK YOU, God. seriously. It rocked.

I continue to wait for God's clear vision about what to do with my life. I enjoyed following the chaplain at Children's Hospital at the beginning of Jan. She was wonderful and her job sounded very rewarding, but I am simply not feeling a huge push from God to head that direction. One reason is that I don't really want to go to school forever (about 4 years full time). I figure that if God REALLY wants me to do it, He'll shove me in that direction, and I will just know that it's the right time and the right place for me.

Until I have a clear vision, I am beginning the process to get my emergency substitute certificate so that I can sub in some of the local school districts. I'm excited about the flexibility that will provide my schedule, and I'm also looking forward to being back with students again.

I continue volunteering with my Young Life group of girls on Wednesdays, and I am enjoying my weekly meetings with a cute girl on Weds after school. It is fun to be walking alongside students in the midst of the joys and struggles they experience.

Hugs, love, and THANK you for your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to hear Brelin! I'm glad to hear the two of you enjoying life. Perhaps that is what God has in store for you for the moment, after having been through so much over the past year and a half. The rest, as you already know so well, will be revealed in good time. Say hello to Marcus for me!