
Friday, October 31, 2008

still going strong...

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share that everything is continuing to go well health-wise. I have been able to stay off the pain meds, and I am now on day 3 of no topamax. The transition has been a bit rocky... with a little nausea and one bout of vomiting, but I'm going to try and hang in there, hoping that my body will adjust all the way to life without chemicals.

I'm still working at American Eagle in Redmond. It's a nice change of scenery for me each day I head to work, and the people that I work with there are great. I'm enjoying my part-time adventures, and the employee discount is nice too. :)

I'm continuing a study of Genesis with a group of women in Mercer Island, through CBS. The study is wonderful, and God's love is revealed more fully in each text. I just finished reading about Abram and his crazy adventures. It seems that the message running throughout is God telling His people over and over again to, "trust me, and I'll get you through." It's so great to know that He never abandons us, especially in our times of sorrow and doubt. awesome.

Marcus is still fine, and still loves his job firefighting. He'll be taking his "year 3" exam in April, and then he's a full-fledged firefighter. Very fun. He is such a rock of support to me, and I'm so thankful that God blessed me with his love.

Well, I guess that's all for me. Have a blessed week, and happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more fun news

Hi all!
For the first time in as many months as I can remember, I am completely off of pain medication. I have been working on getting off of them since I saw the doctor in September, and I ripped off the last pain patch last week, finally able to manage the pain on my own terms. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts each day--but not so much that I can't take it. And I think it will be even better once they take the feeding tube out too. :) YAY!!

Next piece of good news, I am also weening off of topamax as well. I am down to just 100 mg, from 150 mg, and still feeling good. This is a nerve-dulling medication, and I'm not especially fond of the "stupid" effect on my brain... so I'm trying to get off it. So far, so good. My weight is staying stable, and I am feeling good most days.

Final, and most fun piece of news is... Church council at Sammamish Hills voted last week that I can return part-time to work with Kaitlin, our new youth ministry director, once funds are raised. I am sooooooooooo excited about the possibility of mentoring her, working with the students & parents at SHLC again, and getting to use my gifts again. The church budget is in the red, however, so people are going to have to step up their giving before I can come back. Perhaps they can do a "bring Brelin back" drive. :)

Anyway, hugs and love to all you faithful readers... is anyone even reading still? :) If so, catch my mom up, she says she doesn't read anymore. :)


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

show and tell

FIRST OF ALL, I wanted to share that I have been working out since I got my feeding tube put in, and I was able to run 5K in the Salmon Days race on Sunday! I ran the whole way, and I'm super proud of myself for finishing!! :)

Secondly, I was invited to share my faith story with a fabulous group of 9th graders tonight at Sammamish Hills, the kids who will be confirmed this fall. It was such a treat to get to see all the kids again... and I loved getting to share my faith story too!

Here's what I came up with. This is the one that I decided not to go with.
You can pray for something a million times-and it may not seem like God is listening...or that He is not answering in the way that seems "right".

This last year has been like that for me. Sometimes it seemed like everything in the whole world was wrong. I didn't feel like myself anymore. I didn't have the energy to smile and laugh, or run or jump or play... My body was shrinking slowly, until I didn't recognize it as my own. My clothes were too baggy, my hair was falling out in clumps from malnutrition, and I'd already been in and out of the hospital multiple times. This had all been going on for months already, and I didn't know when it was going to be over. I kept crying out to God--wondering when He'd heal me, questioning myself--thinking that perhaps I'd lost my mind. I'd run into folks I knew, and it was such a relief to know that so many people were praying-but so difficult for me to not know what to say them when they asked, "how are you doing?". It was so discouraging to have to repeat, time after time, month after month-----for almost a year-----that nothing was different, that nothing had changed. That I was still vomiting 20 times a day. That I struggled daily with dehydration. That the doctors still couldn't find a treatment that worked. That in the later months, my heart was starting to show signs of damage, and my liver was having problems. And that despite all of the prayers, God still hadn't done anything.

Yet, God was doing something mighty in me. I sort of feel like a half-finished work of art. I imagine that is sort of what those 9th graders feel like too... That God is transforming us into this totally beautiful, super talented, amazingly brilliant, totally strong person--but I'm not quite there yet. I'm starting to feel fabulous, but sort of waiting on the edges for God to finish the project. He's starting to reveal His plan slowly to me, but He's cautiously giving me details, and asking me to wait on Him for the rest of the plan.

I trust that He will continue to work in me, and that all things will be done and completed in His perfect time. I pray that I will be able to be an example to others, that I a masterpiece crafted by the Creator's hand, displayed for all to see.


Friday, October 3, 2008

no news is good news :)

here's my life story...

i started working at american eagle at redmond town center part-time about 2 weeks ago, and i am totally loving it!! i am enjoying the fun aspects of working with the public in retail again, and i have enjoyed the employee discount as all of my fall and winter clothes from last year were too big... :)

marcus and i have been having lots of fun together and have been goofing off as much as usual. we purchased season passes for crystal mountain and are looking forward to an awesome snowboarding season. don't worry, the doctor approved. :)

i'm also doing a community bible study with my friend, abby on wednesday mornings. we meet in the middle on mercer island, and we are studying genesis. it's terrific so far, and we've got about 10 other terrific women of all ages in our group. yay!

i'm also leading a group of fabulous 9th grade girls from inglewood jr high on wednesday afternoons. we're studying the one minute bible, and we've got prayer partners too. i'm working with my friends, alaina and breanne on this, and am super excited for the year. :) our first meeting was super fun, and i can't wait for the rest of the year.

i think that's all to report. i'm sorry that it's been so long... our computer is broken at home, we're perhaps getting a new one sometime soon. i'll have to keep you posted.

much love and hugs to you all.